Hi. Alot of you talk about reflux?

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does reflux mean "acid reflux" or just belching burping etc?


im sitting here with aching boobs, pimples, bloating and belching once again sad soo over it.

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi hun

    i have acid reflux in perimenopause a lot but I also get really bad nausea bouts with it aswell along with bloating. The nausea seems to be getting more frequent than in my previous perimenopause years. Its horrid


  • Posted

    Yes I had awful acid reflux for a while. Everything I ate repeated on me. At one point I was still tasting my evening meal when I got up. I tried lansoprazol from the doctor but I was rather alarmed that the side effects are low bone density and as menopause also causes this I tried natural.

    Before every meal I had ginger powder hard to take on its own so I used rizzla papers. Just wrapped a little in one and swallowed it.

    Also through the day ginger tea peel and finely slice some fresh ginger then pour over boiling water and drink like tea.

    This all went on for several months but has stopped now.

    When I had it really bad some evening's it made me feel so sick as well. Then I used half teaspoon of bicarb in a glass of water that really helps lessen it.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      Thank you zig. I've been trying ginger tea too. I don't have acid reflux but reflux if that makes sense. Silent reflux I believe. You are right the side effects are horrific for most mess these days. I try natural for everything, to my detriment sometimes sad but thanks so much. I may up the ginger intake . It's so good for us too
  • Posted

    I have a small hiatas hernia and it never really gave me much trouble apart from oesophagitis once but as soon as peri started i started to feel nauseous, loss of appetite and ended up with gastitis. I dont really much remember too much heartburn etc but something must have changed in my digestive system to bring this on in peri! I had to take omeprazole for sometime but after a while caused symptoms in itself so switched to zantac, thankfully i came off them in the end.
  • Edited

    Hi all

    So the nausea is back again. I feel sick to my stomach.

    Its making me so tearful I dont know what to take for it anymoresad

    Ive probably only had a couple of nausea free days in the last two weeks. On top of all the other symptoms I have its really getting me down.

    Sorry for the rant just wondered if any of you ladies had any advice.

    Ive had two upper endoscopies but the consultant keeps telling me he can't find any reason for it.

    I do have acid reflux as well x

    • Edited

      Just throwing things out there for you to research. Try ginger tea, chamomile tea, slippery elm to heal your gastric lining. Umm glutamine to heal mucous linings... I'd head to the health shop and see what they suggest. aLL pharmaceuticals make me nauseous 
    • Posted

      Thank you

      I do take ginger capsules but mayb I need to take them more regularly.

      Im also going to cut out my three cups of tea a day and switch to decaff.

      Ive also been drinking mint tea. I dont really want to go on prescription meds for nausea. But never say never. Ive had this problem on and off the past eightvyears of peri bit it seems to be more frequent now.

      Thanks again for advice x

  • Posted

    Hi ella, i to have acid reflux didnt get it up till now cant think why we get this with perimenopause it drives me mad i also get terrible pains in my back with the acid reflux fed up now ,i also have a big zit on my face i never get spots....... joy


    • Posted

      Hi guys.

      im researching a lot..... And it seems estrogen and fluctuations can cause digestive disruption ESP gas / bloating/ reflux.. I may be off base and grasping at straws but hey gotta find an answer somewhere... Hopefully sad 

      so trying an abundance of herbal teas also.. Also trying to balance out estrogen and raise progesterone with chaste berry but it's a long process... This is applicable for peri but I understand full blown meno the estrogen is too low . This is all new to me but yes Karen this shorter cycle agAin I had zits too... This is a new one... Thanks guys smile

    • Posted

      HIYA, this is so horrible im going to try the ginger see if that helps and someone said manuka honey and coconut oil at bedtime fed up with this if you go to the docs he looks at you like you have two heads ha ha lets hope we all have pain free xmas  x

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