Hi has anyone taking Emforal 10 please feed back

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Hi Ladies hoping someone out there could kindly help me or just give me some feed back.  I am usually dont like to take pharmacutical medicine if I can help it , however the doctor has prescribed me Emforal for my severe anxiety, heart palpatations & hand tremors just some of many of my symptoms of menopause.

I am worried as I took half before going to bed last night I boy it gave me such an upset stomache.

All feed back kindly appreciated xxxx

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Caroline, I have been taking a natural remedy for my anxiety, the worst panic attacks I have ever had, shaking and feeling nervous all the time, I thought I was going to crack up at one point a couple of weeks ago, like you I avoid taking medicine if I can, so I have been taking Bach Flower mix 85 and omg I can't believe how well it's working, I actually feel like my normal self again, it is completely natural so doesn't cause side effects or interact with any other medicines, they also do it for menopause, you can get it on the Internet, but make sure it's the proper Bach Flower site xx
    • Posted

      Hi Sue omg that sounds so promising I will most def check that out something actually natural that works :-)
    • Posted

      sorry sue do you actually use the one for menopause or the flower mix 85?
    • Posted

      Hi Caroline

      i got the Bach flower mix 85 that is for anxiety and panic attacks, the menopause is my next order..lol, I honestly can't believe how good this stuff is 😄😄xx

  • Posted

    Hi Caroline

    The Bach flower remedies that Sue mentions really are great...safe for anyone to use regardless of any medications you may be on.  They have a free questionairre either on their site or elsewhere online - by all means take the quiz!  I have used them in the past with good results.  In the meantime any health food store (or online) sells their popular mix called Rescue Remedy - for stress/anxiety - and this one I keep in my purse for anytime use!

    I was also going to suggest some magnesium - My MD suggests it immediately for palpitations (look up magnesium deficiency) in men or woman (of course followed up with medical tests as needed) - but I know for us during Menopause/Peri-menopause it's also a symptom, as is anxiety.  The Magnesium helped with mine almost a day or so after taking it - I take some every day now- can help with all you mentioned...and I guess bottom line it can't hurt!  As I said look it up - I take one in powdered form I got online...message me if you want exact name - but again any is a good start! 

    • Posted

      Hi Vibegirl yes the rescue remedy I have in my fridge but its not strong enough for my symptoms when I am having an anxiety moment. tremors are constant.  somebody else mentioned to me about Magnesium yeah if you dont mind telling us which ones you used that would be great.

      Thanks biggrin

  • Posted

    I don't take anything just for those reasons. My system is pretty intolerable with mist medications.

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