Hi hippies work !!!!!!
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Hi there ,I have been back to work for two weeks, I find my legs are aching so much, I love my job, but its like starting all over, my other hip is hurting the same as my first one. Feel a little disappointed, I was expecting to feel better after nine weeks, sorry having a bad day love to you all
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linda38528 tina_83799
Hang in there Tina.
Sorry you are having a rough time ... when they start going, it really seems to accelerate.
It's a good thing you love your job ... maybe it will get easier as your other joints finally adjust and start contributing.
I hope you rest up when you get home ... lots of tissues and bone still healing.
Big hugs,
pat416 tina_83799
Hi Tina
I am at 9 weeks in recuperationfrom a partial hip replacement due to a fall.
I have gone back to work and dit st a desk, get up and down to copy machine. I can only work part time until I go home to lay back in my lounge chair.
You're not alone.
Take care!
Mollyjr tina_83799
I know!! I'm 7 weeks po. Just when I think I'm doing better, I start aching all over again. As long as I rest periodically, I'm good.
anna87839 tina_83799
Hi Tina I'm 12 weeks post tlhr I've not gone back to work yet as you have.my other hip is playing
up and also the knee I new I had o/a in both hips
but right one wasn't as bad, 3 years on and boy
is it playing up ,went to GP yesterday and spoke
to him about this said we would sort other hip first he seems to think I have nerve damage and is
sending me for xray to check every thing is OK
as just doesn't feel right also can't drive because
uncomfortable and suffer pain next day feel I'm
stepping backwards at the moment,Tina do you think you've gone back to work to soon?
You are still early in your recovery love your job
or not ,you no you've just been though major
surgery be kind to yourself don't undo all that
you've done .big hugs 🌈
renee01952 tina_83799
hi tina,
so sorry to hear about your other hip misbehaving --
it sucks, doesn't it - bad news is that it won't get better - sorry to be a wet blanket here - well, this was my experience - I don't think my right (1st) hip could heal properly when I found out that left hip was detoriating real fast -
I so did not want to face the fact that I needed another THR surgery, but after months of agonizing pain, I couldn't wait for it to be done ----
what kind of a job do you have ...you are blessed that you love your job !
please let us know how you are getting on, okay --- we are all here for you
big warm hug
beth2509 tina_83799
I'll be thr in the left hip in four weeks, and this is my nightmare. I know the right hip has severe OA but so far it hasn't so much as twinged. A lot of people have said that's just because the other one is so bad, and once that stops I'll feel it in the right hip! Cheers, "former friends"
! Sorry it's so difficult for you. But there's always light at the end of the tunnel. Have you asked about working from home for a bit of that is possible? That can be a lot less tiring.
janet86017 beth2509
So pleased to read your post as this is my experience exactly.Had right hip done 11weeks ago,never expecting to have to have good hip done for ages ,as it gave me no pain.Now it is really bad and occasionally gives way.I expect hip one was taking the strain before!
Now I have to face having right hip replaced,especially as it is now half in shorter on that leg.
All the best for your op.Two good hips then!
Canada_Hippy tina_83799
I am 6 weeks post op THR on my left side. Surgeon asked me prior to this how my right hip was. "Fine" I said, "no issues at all." He looked at me funny and said," Well, it's just as bad. Within a year you will need it done."
The first couple weeks after surgery was great. All related pain in my back and groin was gone. Just achy from surgery. Doing really well. I was so happy.
Then after 3 weeks, BOOM. My right knee starts locking up and it's hard to fully straighten the knee. Then right leg and hip start hurting. Crap. Now I can't trust either leg.
I did go back to work for 2 afternoons a week for a few hours. We forget that we are really doing nothing at home. We are in a quiet restful environment. We feel good.
When you go back to work, the atmosphere is much more chaotic. Noises, talking, thinking, rushing, moving, etc are very energy draining. You won't be able to keep up like before. You will tire easily even if you just sit at a desk.
Go slow. Realize you are not up to speed yet.
janet86017 Canada_Hippy
My surgeons words exactly- will be back in a year for the other one done-even though it gave me no pain.Now facing second THR.Argh...
Rocketman_SG6UK tina_83799
Oh dear, as always we seem to expect to bounce right back, and we don't.
This has been a huge blow to your body, and it's going to take a while to get back to anything like normal again.
I had my op at the end of last October (so nearly a whole year now), followed by revision 10 weeks later
. I still get days/weeks when I am really tired.
It does get better - but ever so slowly, and still there's the odd time when it feels like I am taking a step backwards again.
Hope you feel better soon.
Graham - 🚀💃
And, another thing, as Canada Hippy says, I found that my concentration was well below par - I am in a technical job with computer systems, and I practically had to re-learn my job.
I keep having to write things down so I don't forget them too.
Graham - 🚀💃
Polly2016 Rocketman_SG6UK
Hi Graham
I am going back to work Monday after 9 weeks post op mainly because if I don't, my brain won't work at all. I feel I need to just get back and get on with it but I won't make any huge Financial decisions just yet! Luckily I am just going to try 2 hours for a couple of days. Glad you seem to be doing well it really does take a while even a year on which I can relate to when I had my first hip done. Talking of bad memory - you are the one that fell out of bed aren't you? Sorry if it wasn't you. Polly
Rocketman_SG6UK Polly2016
Yep - that was me
, and i survived the fall. I was off work for 5 full months (Nov to March inclusive) in all, that's why I had such problems. Never mind, I'll be retiring in a few months time, so no need to worry about climbing the greasy pole of promotion at work any more.
janet86017 Rocketman_SG6UK
Enjoy your retirement!My husband is happier and fitter after 6 months of retirement