Hi, I'm new
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Hi, I'm new and new to these chat/forum things.
I started taking Orlistat 4 days ago. Not feeling too bad on them. Had a couple of incidents tho - luckily at home!
I'm classed as morbidly obese, so have a fair way to go yet.
I've been looking round this site andreadine peoples comments now for a week 10 days, beford I plucked up the courage to post.
What I find the hardest at the mo, is my husbands as skinny as a rake and likes his high fat, high calorie snacks and goodies in the evening. My will power just seems to up and vanish!
I know I've got to be stronger and say no, but I'm so easily tempted!
kind regards
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We`re all here for the same thing....too lose weight! So don`t be shy ...just fire on in . Well done for plucking up the courage to post.
Think we all go through stages where our will power up and leaves home.. :lol: its hellish!!!!
Good Luck and enjoy posting with us all.
Just keep your sense of humour and soon you could be a skinny as him!
You and I are in the EXACT same situation!
I was a happy size 12 before I met Stu 2 years ago, and look at me now, size 18 :oops: haha.
Im not saying it's his fault but we used to sit and pig out something rotten! Takeaways every night, I never knew what the word exercise meant!! He is a skinny milinky, he can eat and eat and eat and not put anything on! :evil:
That's a lucky boy for you eh? He has been really good recently though, seen how upset I've been getting and helping me ( watching what we have for meals, not eating sh*te infront of me, exercising with me)
Just ask your hubby to consider a bit of a lifestyle change, maybe go cycling with you, swimming etc. Its not all hard work, its fun when you have a partner to do it with!
Let me know how u get on x[/quote]
Dont worry we are all in same boat i am morbid aswell horrid name but at least i can say it now :oops: my bmi is 49 i was just about 19 st and size 28. Years and years of putting weight on and loseing it i ahve lkost 5 stone before. The weight due to job changes etc and no excercise i end up like this. I wasnt a big eater just the wrong things so fonding haveing to eat all this food quite hard.
I have started walking the stairs twice a day at work there are 56 and went swimming on sat which was nice, i have got my first excercise appointment on 28 aug that the doctor referred me to and the same day as my next weigh in eek.
I had my first kit kat today i just really needed somthing i am trying to be really good. At least i went shopping and baught some stuff for gym while hubby and daughter went into burger king yesturday.
It is really hard if you feel your partner is not supporting you :!:
My hubby was very resistant to change at first and STILL will not do any exercise with me, except maybe take William for a walk. I sat down and really told him how I felt and my concerns for his and my health. You don't have to be a huge person to be unhealthy. They proved it on a tv program. There was this really slim woman and when they checked her insides she had more fat around her organs than the larger people :shock: :!: Because we can't see the fat we think everythings OK.
He now eats more or less what I eat except a larger portion of course!!
If I really start to get the munchies I go on the internet or play the playstation and that takes my mind off eating, most of the time!!!!
So have a chat with him you never know, once he knows how much it means to you, he might be a little more helpful :!:
Please keep in touch & let us all know how you get on.
TTFNKal :wink:
I started my tablets 5 days ago and so far have had no 'experiences' I am sticking to a low fat diet but also find it difficult as my Hubby eats like a horse (he's no slim jim though :lol: )
I have found that going to the gym helps with the weight loss and actually managed to lose 21lbs just by going to the gym for 2 months (no diet!!) My weight / BMI is off the richter scale but I have decided to take the bull by the horns so to speak and do both.
There is plenty of support on here and we all need it at times so dont worry
K :lol:
Thank you all for your very positive and welcoming comments.
It's why I chose this site.
gill-bbz thanks very much Nice to know I'm not alone.
At the moment I aim to walk for 30 mins a day, I also wear a pedometre, I do try to better my steps each day. :puff: !
I will talk to my husband - again :cross:
Thanks again everyone.
kind regards
Sometimes people who don`t have a weight issue don`t think how difficult it is. Bet once u have a heart to heart....he`ll think differently...