Hi, I'm new here

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I happened across this forum site whilst researching Declinol, I was unimpressed with the vagueness of the site, the cost and the incessant pop ups about someone who had purchased products. I certainly wont be purchasing this product now!

I had a an appointment with my doctor today and decided to open up about how much I am really drinking, that it isn't the first time I have struggled with alcohol. Essentially I need help. Prior to this appointment I had looked online and found there are 2 types of medication to help you stop drinking; 1 which makes you really sick and another that takes away the pleasure thus removing the cravings. 

As anxious as I was, I went for it only to leave having been told that AA and Russell Brand's Recovery book would be my best options along with a prescription of Thiamine. 

I had just told him that I understand the medical issues excessive will cause, the trying to alternate with non alcoholic drinks and that I didn't find the AA very useful for me.

I think that because I have recently lost my baby boy after 12 hours in March he thinks it is linked to the grief but I drank like this prior to being pregnant (although I didn't know this doctor before as we only moved in December). I literally live in the middle of nowhere so he understands that attending meetings will be difficult. I did ask about any medication but was told it would need to be via a referral and not something they can do in my area. 

Having browsed on this forum I have completed an online consultation on the Pharmacy2U site to see if they are able to help. I am concerned though that being on SSRI's will mean that they will not offer a prescription....

?My partner and I are both heavy drinkers, he is usually home from work at around 3pm and the first thing is to pour him a glass of wine and one for me also (I am already so pleased to have made it this long). We will then continue to drink until ed time which for him is around 8pm but for me could be ANYTIME. We easily go through a couple of bottles of wine every day, it has got to the point we are embarrassed and take it in turns to go to our local shop, as I said earlier we live in the middle of nowhere so there is only 1 shop. Luckily this shop closes at 9pm, where we previously lived the local shop was open until 11pm!

Like many of you we drink at home as it is cheaper plus the amount we are already spending means we don't have much spare money.We both wanted to have a 'gap' year to really live and do things since our son's death but we are too skint because of the drink - its a viscous cycle. 

I know I need to get myself in a better position before I return to work, at the moment being on maternity leave, without my baby, means I have no restrictions other than the ones I impose on myself. Again if it wasn't so embarrassing I would have gone to the shop already and had a bottle on my own before my other half gets home. 

I feel like I am on a very slippery slope of messing up everything because of alcohol and my desire to have it, I have had to cancel seeing friends because of being too hungover to drive and often have emotional drunken evenings sending rambling messages about the death of my son.

Sorry for the long rambling - well done to anyone who reads it all the way to the end!


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    I have to admit that it was easier for me to get help for my drinking when my wife moved overseas to work.

    We'd tried to stop in the past but always egged each other on!

    But, if you and your partner both want to stop (and you can get your hands on some Naltrexone) then it should be quite easy. 

    I hope so, as you seem very bright and deserve some good news in your life.

    (It might also help you to drink less to know that the shop already knows how much you drink and going on alternate days isn't fooling anybody!)

    • Posted

      Hi Alex, I can imagine it would have been easier but other than leaving this relationship after 5+ years I thought I could be taking Naltrexone after the extensive research I had done. 

      I refuse to give up on my relationship but at the same time I need to protect my life... in a very precarious situation....

      S x

  • Posted

    Hi Hummingbird,

    So sorry you lost your baby boy. I lost my Grandson when he was 3 months old. It is so very sad.

    My Husband had a very big problem with alcohol. He drank heavily for years and was dependent. He used to suffer badly with delerium tremens and life threatening seizures.

    I was given great advice on this forum and we haven't looked back. We were advised to watch One Little Pill on youtube and to check out c3 Europe online and do some research on TSM The Sinclair Method.

    My Husband now has 3 alcohol free days a week and one or two beers on his drinking days. Sounds to good to be true doesnt it?

    But it works

    Kind Regards

    JulieAnne x

    • Posted

      Hi JulieAnne, thank you so much for your reply. I am so sorry to hear of the lose of your grandson. Can I ask was it only your husband that had a problem with alcohol or was t the both of you? 

      I would love to try the Sinclair method but there seems to be only 1 supplier in my country (England) and he charges nearly £200 per week! I can't afford that!

      S x 

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