Hi I'm new to this board and new to HS
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I feel so badly reading about the people that have suffered for years with this condition I have just learned about.
I think a few times in my life I have had several hard slightly pain "bumps" in my armpits and maybe twice in the groin area but they went away and I presumed they involved my lymph glands.
Then several weeks ago I developed a huge painful lump under my right armpit. It kept growing and even though I know better I was so eager to eliminate it---I applied super hot compresses and I confess attempted to squeeze it. It took three days to start leaking blood and pus. I applied antibiotic ointment and a loose big bandage and thought that was the end of it.
Then it "healed" with an awful "scar" and then I had small pimple like lumps scattered all underneath the original abscess. With the current situation I figured consulting a dermatologist was out and went to Google-- where what I have certainly appears to be HS.
But I'm 68 ???? Am I getting hormonal now???
I have read everything I can and I'm already taking most supplements and vitamins. I have been putting on extra weight since I've been home after shoulder surgery (Dec.) but a month ago I started Keto. The only thing I've done differently other than that was eating more chicken. I have a deadly allergy to fish but blood tests had my chicken allergy as .045 (I was 100+ to tilapia). I usually stay away but with Keto I started having chicken 4 or 5 times a week. I'm praying that eliminating chicken will stop the HS.
But as I write this I have a baseball size -very painful abscess . I have been applying hot compresses , cleaning it with antibiotic soap, wearing loose clothing , not shaving or using deodorant, applying Neosporin and "golden salve". It keeps growing and making movement difficult.
I would appreciate any input. I have had eczema since i was 6 moths old and thought that was a difficult condition to live with( although for 2 years it strangely disappeared and just came back 3 months ago). But this is more painful than eczema . So my heart goes out to those that have had this so long. on a funny note I read that sometimes this goes away with menopause ---ah, am I embarking on a second puberty???
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sandra20566 Patmc
Hi speak to your Dr about Clobetisol ointment. will make your life easier when dealing with this.
heather83705 Patmc
Hi Pat,
Sorry to hear you are having a hard time with HS. I suffered from excema most of my life. As soon as the excema stopped, the HS began. Mine started during menopause and has continued well beyond menopause.
I don't know much about the keto diet. Is it sugar free? A lot of people report that sugar is a trigger for HS.
Would be wonderful if a cure for HS was found. It is long overdue.
Patmc heather83705
I guess I'm not the only "older" person with HS. Once again I'm so sorry that you are afflicted with this nasty (but not fatal) disease.
The Keto diet is extremely low carb --so all sugar except for items like stevia or monk fruit are taboo. I was on the Atkins/South Beach diets for most of my adult life (20 to 39) and kept my weight around 100 pounds(I'm very short so I was never skinny) so I figured that I could follow Keto . But in addition to starting to eat chicken , I also went crazy with bell peppers---and I've read on the boards here that another culprit for HS triggers are any members of the nightshade family.
Still it's a mystery what actually triggered the HS with me.
As to a cure----I guess there is little funding and research because it is called "rare", it's not "pretty" and no famous spokesperson has advertised their condition.
Thank you again for your response and input.
sandra20566 Patmc
happy i could be of help, it is a horrible illness to deal with. Hopefully we can get a cure soon, also look into Humera. it is a good product but many side effects for some people. i can't take it but it worked good but I had a side effect, not everyone experience side effects.
Patmc sandra20566
Years ago , my dermatologist suggested I try taking Embral (same type med as Humera) for my stubborn eczema . When he mentioned i would need a TB test first I said that when I was young and in the hospital for rheumatic fever(my system loves auto immune diseases)I always had huge skin reactions to the test. (I thought it was just my allergenic body). He then informed me --No it meant I was carrying TB.
Of course I blame my parents. They made me kiss my generally comatose and Copenhagen (chew tobacco) spitting grandfather (who cared less about his grandchildren ). Guess what the cause of death was listed for him? TB
So any of the immune suppressant meds are off limits for me.
PS My Dad is 95 and I still tell him that he and Mom were wonderfully healthy but they only gave my Sis and I the bad genes!!!!