Hi I'm taking hrt I'm taking premique 0.3mg
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Is there any of you ladies taking premique 0.3mg, I only started them today as I recently had blood test out found out my ovaries have shut done, I was wondering how good they are and how long roughly they take the fully kick in.
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Bamby sharon13184
I've been taking this for five years. It took about a week to kick in which is longer than the previoud HRT I was on...probably as it's very low dose.
sharon13184 Bamby
Bamby sharon13184
sharon13184 Bamby
anneporter sharon13184
sharon13184 anneporter
anneporter sharon13184
susan95781 sharon13184
I've been taking the higher dose = 0.625/5 and it was to strong, so now I take this dosage every second day = 1 day on 1 off it works but I will look forward to now taking the lower dose, it was not available when I started. Just to let you know I have found for me no side effects. It has kept me sane ( it fixed my atrophy problem ) Good luck with this.Regards. S.H.
Tracychapman1 sharon13184
Tracychapman1 sharon13184
jo3674 Tracychapman1
Hi just wondered if you're still in the Premique? I've just been prescribed 0.625mg been taking for 5 days & noticed no difference (I have got a terrible cold tho as well atm), just wondered how long it was before you saw any benefits? I'm not sure how long I can stand the hot flushes & complete exhaustion.
gaynor38702 sharon13184