hi , im currently taking fem seven conti 50mcg
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has any one found that these cause tummy pain and bloating , making the tummy rock hard , iv only been on them 2 weeks but i dont feel much of an improvment , and im finding the patches are not staying on , im having to put tape on them , even after just a couple of days , can any one reccomend an alternative . thanks much appreciated . xx
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lennie45832 karen41476
karen41476 lennie45832
what sort of natural remedies have you tried ? i have taken black kohash .
and some other herbal tablets , but i found there was no difference at all ,
hence why at the end of my tether im on HRT , iv tried 2 types of hrt tablets but again no improvement ,
so now on patches for a month to see how i go ,
and if i need a stronger dose ,
karen x
lennie45832 karen41476
ruth23103 karen41476
I'm also taking the same HRT and hve been on then for a month. It was after the third patch before I felt any changes.
For over two years I have struggled with sleep, hot flushes and every symptom that we ladies have during this dreadfull time of our lives. At last I can sleep and I no longer have the disurbance of hot flushes. I too am having trouble keeping them on. Last night I put a large waterproof dressing on top of the patch as a nurse friend suggested it.
I really didn't want to take HRT but couldn't go on the way I was. My Doctor gave me the three month supply and said return to see how things were then. my aching joints haven't improved but maybe its still early days.
So all I can say is hang on in there and see how you feel after your third patch.
It's nice to hear from someone else on the same patches.
karen41476 ruth23103
Thank you for your reply , i also didnt want to go down the hrt route , but i was feeling so bad , and iv also noticed that my joints ache , but thought i had been over doing things , i dont even like to take pain releif but i have been doing recently ,
im just find it anoying that the patches dont seem to stick on properly , thought i was doing some thing wrong , iv tried various sticking plasters ,
so will try the big waterproof plasters ,
did you also find that you had a really bloated tummy , and cramps ?
thanks karen. x
ruth23103 karen41476
I haven't had cramps but I do have a bloated tummy but I have had that before I started HRT. It took me a whole week to build the courage up to stick a patch on! Now I worry how do you stop using them? I must admit I'm feeling less stressed as I'm sleeping.
Its been a dreadful couple of years and just knew things had to change. I want to feel normal again and not an exhausted nervous wreck.
karen41476 ruth23103
iv never had such a bloated tummy since i started on the patches ,
but im hoping things start to settle down soon ,
iv not really noticed much of a difference but i suppose it is early days yet ,
i also just want to feel normal again ,
im waking up 4 - 5 times a night , then im up at 6 am .
cant remember last time i had a decent nights sleep ,
i never thought going through the memopause would be so difficult , and life changing , its impacting on every aspect of my life from work , every day life , and my marriage ,
Hence why im on HRT .
Karen x
ruth23103 karen41476
Also the dressing I put over the patch had irritated my skin so was very sore. When I replaced it, the patch was also on it's way off. Only for the fact I'm sleeping again for the first time in about two years and the sweats are now just the occasional warm moment I would have given up on HRT.
Before I went to the Dr's I was on the point of walking away from a thirty year marriage and a husband who didn't have clue as to what was going on. It all erupted one day from something quite trivial and I packed a bag and was going, where to I hadn't thought . He was devastated by this and begged me to stay and go and seek help which I did.
Tonight the damn patch is barely stuck on and not due to be changed until Wednesday.
I do think that I felt the difference on the third patch.
I hope that I find a place to stick them where they stay on and do what there meant to do!!!!!!. Happy days !!!!
karen41476 ruth23103
im now on my 3 rd week and am due to go back to the doctors at the end of the week , iv found that when i put a new patch on my tummy trebles in size . and iv had stomach cramps all day ,
which are quite painfull .and back ache ,
i think may be i got my hopes up that i would feel back to my normal self ,as soon as the hormones got in to my system ,
im thinking may be i should change to a different patch or even the dose ,
and the patches are still not sticking ,!!
its good that your now sleeping better , that makes a big difference , nothing worse than interupted sleep ,
karen x