Hi. Is anyone 40 or less going through this?
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I've found a holistic doctor so finally I hope they can tell me if this is peri or not..
Can anyone advise what bloods are order to diagnose meno please?
I have all the symptoms you guys describe however my periods are closer together and heavier. But night sweats , foggy, out of it feeling, gastric issues and bloating.
Thank you.
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misty36246 ellacraig
sue976 ellacraig
you can have the bloods done but like my doctor said they are not the most accurate, I've had them and they came back normal, and the doctor said I am definately peri, periods getting closer together, night sweats and a lot of the other symptoms that are listed on here, my main one been health anxiety which started when all these strange feelings started happening to me. I'm 47, but the doctor just said it doesn't always show up until your well into it
monique_93857 ellacraig
sue976 monique_93857
that sounds like me...lol, I can't believe how bad my joints, shoulders and neck hurt, same as you allergies that I have never had have appeared, I am not surprised it causes anxiety, it's crazy how everything changes so much and in a short time too, I agree thank god we have this site, it always gives me reassurance 😄😄xx
susan21149 ellacraig
I am post menopause and i still experince stomach issues, foggy feeling, anxieties, mood swings, sleep problems, nose bleeds due to dryness, then i feel hot than coldÂ
I also have a thyroid problem too