Hi Ladies
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its been awhile since ive posted still struggling pretty bad, im wondering if any ladies has done this close to the end im having very very light tanish brown spotting very little im due tomorrow but dont have any other signs its coming. did any of you do this closer you got to the end?
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Rainbow976 pamela2016
Hi Pamela,
I am hoping to hear similar reports from post women ð
I am only 43 but the last few years it's been 21 day cycle but very light. Lately, still around 25 days and the same spotting then light days you are experiencing. I don't even have bleeding a full day. I intend to make another gyno appointment soon because this just seems abnormal for my age. I have read smokers go thru menopause a few years earlier though, I reluctantly quit 9 months ago hoping it would help symptoms.
I don't understand why some of us have it so bad and then other women seem to be having a great time in their 40s.
pamela2016 Rainbow976
im a smoker as well but i cut way down 5 a day if that, just seems this has been a very long road and no end in sight. im seeing nothing now so idk if period trying to come or not at all kind new this happening so light and very little usually cycle would have started by now. i just want this over with already going on 10 years of this October will be 10 years
Rainbow976 pamela2016
10 years ðĶI have had odd stuff since my mid 30s and now think it was all hormonally related.
Unfortunately there is very little information out there on what smoking does to hormones. I am guessing it affects stuff since it supposedly lowers testosterone in men and affects libido, probably does something to women but who knows.
None of this makes any sense, I just keep hoping that those of us that have a really bad perimenopause will get some relief post.
pamela2016 Rainbow976
my cycle is definitely different this month just seems to be brown and light one pad all day but of course i change them for cleanliness but i dont have too thats how light it is and symptoms is off the charts
sunaina1983 pamela2016
Same with me dear .Light brown sporting in periods from last 2 months..
But i am facing head issues alot
Head pressure, falling forward and dizziness is my constant symptoms from last 2 years.
Other symptoms come and hoes but not feeling good in head ..always have drunk feeling
tk dear
pamela2016 sunaina1983
im there with you sweetie same head stuff never leaves at times its not so bad but never gone. im so sick and tired of all this and having weird sensations all through body at times scares me to death.
sunaina1983 pamela2016
Same here dear
suffering from soo long .
Head stuff is constant..other things come and goo
Donot know when i will become normal again.
Want to be old me
pamela2016 sunaina1983
this October makes 10 years of this crap its really changed me and ive become a hyperchondriac sick of it all
Rainbow976 pamela2016
Yes, odd light cycles and weird feelings through body.
From what I read, I think the light period is low progesterone. It seems we only produce progesterone if we ovulate and as our eggs age, we don't ovulate every month. So we can have low estrogen but if we don't ovulate can have symptoms off the charts of both low estrogen and estrogen dominance due to low progesterone . And if we ovulate sometimes, it makes it hard to treat the symptoms because they can change month to month.
Basically it all sucks.