Hi ladies

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its been awhile since I've posted the struggling remains, i dont know how to do any of this no more its getting harder and harder. the head iff balance dizziness floating spacey pressure crap remains daily gets worse on cycle and ovulation weeks. my cycles seems to be getting further apart but lingering a few days more then usual past few cycles. the run down no energy feeling like crap on cycle has just about done me in. seems every symptom on the list has really hit me this year and then some with no end in sight. the anxiety has been off and on bad at times over this virus pandemic. god how do we keep going i have no appetite just fed up with all this

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5 Replies

  • Edited

    Hi Pamela

    I can relate to how you feel.

    Its been a bad two weeks for me too. Too many symptoms to list, anxiety is really bad, feels overwhelming. Loss of appetite and bad stomach issues. Still dont know how to cope. Tired of seeing my doctors who only prescribed AD.

  • Posted

    could be me writing this, i felt awful for 5 days now spent three in bed migraine, aching joints muscles, tingling sensation, digestive issue no appetite nausea feeling & total exhaustion, plus health anxiety how can peri menopause make us feel so ill i litrally have no quality of life anymore just want to sleep till its all over i feel useless. was bad start of year then had two months felt great then start of june felt pretty awful everyday since

  • Posted

    this October makes 10 years of this hell id like to say it's gotten better since the beginning of all this but that would be a lie its done nothing but keep getting worse and worse. many mornings i wonder why i woke to deal with it again another day but i thank god everyday for another day. im not ready to die but how do we really live like this ive tried and tried nothing works cant take hrt so suffering remains. and nobody around me gets it ir just how much i struggle and suffer with all this many girls my age i grew up with nothing none of this wtf that in turn makes me wonder what is really going on for me to have a bad transition. god is all i got he is the only one that truly knows this suffering and you ladies that have to suffer too. i pray and pray all day everyday for relief when does it come or will it ever?

  • Posted

    Hi Pamela2016 and all you amazing ladies out there!

    Are you post-menopause (if you don't mind me asking)?

    I got through peri and menopause with nothing but hot flashes, some dizziness for about 2 months but my symptoms have gotten WORSE since my periods stopped!

    The nausea is relentless, I have a burning shoulder paid on my right side and at first I thought it was my liver or gallbladder but this has been going on for 3 years and have yet to have blood tests flag anything. I missed my labs this year due to COVID but my symptoms are no different than last year or the year before and the year before that just seem to be getting worse instead of better.

    Will this crap EVER end.

    I would be so lost without this forum. I have been getting mad at God and I don't like that. I pray and pray and pray for relief so I am not so crabby to my family and some days wonder why I am even here anymore! It's hard to explain that to family who has no idea what this feels like and to a God who I know cares but lately I wonder (this is the me I don't like and it's most of the time anymore)!

    Does not help that my daughter was involved in a fatal car accident in January (she will eventually be ok) so 2020 has been one thing after another and maybe my nerves are just shot!

    • Posted

      im so sorry your suffering too and going through so much. im not post yet seems ill never get there but this crap just doesn't never stop it just gets worse and worse its unfair how much we suffer and miss out on life. i try to keep going but thats so hard most days i just dont want to get up and start this groundhogs day over and over again. i pray everyday all day long for this stuff to end.

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