Hi, need help

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I'm new to this forum.

I've checked everything I have in my house that has info. or so I thought. Of course everything I have, has no answer...

I'm 51 and most likely nearing the end of peri menopause and am wondering one thing today. I know my body quite well, but I'm stumped as to why I've had consistent discharge for over two weeks. I'm very aware of what to look for when ovulating, etc. and also know I'm not ovulating. I'm not menstruating, might be done finally. I've had yeast infections and other sensitivities. The only thing different, is that I started using an Essential oil for hot flashes and they've stopped, but now this persistent mucus has started!

Can you please give me a heads up as to what types of discharge are common during this process. I'm only comfortable wearing very loose clothing, if I could go bottomless I would 🙀.

Getting frustrated, please help.

Oh, FYI, I've had all the usual symptoms/processes already, thanks!

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13 Replies

  • Posted

    hi.  I cannot myself answer your question on the discharge because I don't know, but there will be plenty that will be able to help.  from reading your post I am just interested in the essential oil that stopped your hot flashes?  What is it called.  thanks  
    • Posted


      Essential oils react differently with each individual, I used Clary Sage, put it on my wrists and lower abdomen at night. Not long after I started using it regularly, I noticed that I had no Hot Flashes, but now I'm wondering if I tampered with other hormonal stuff 🙁

    • Posted

      hi dtplus!!!

      ive been in peri-meno since turning 50.......and i have this discharge before and after my period............most of my other symptoms have gone....... but im wearing a pad all month because of this clear discharge..........i asked my gyno...but shes clueless.........cant take it anymore..............i hope im near the end!!!!!!!!!!!


    • Posted

      it's hard to know but I doubt it.    i would assume it is ok to use.  it might be just that your in the final stages.  I know I get some watery mucus for a couple of days each month but not for 2 weeks.   someone else might answer soon.
    • Posted


      Not much of a gynaecologist if they can't answer your question, did they do a Pap smear? I'm managing with most of this, just not liking this over abundance of discharge, if I had another period, I think it would help. It's not just the discharge, the discomforts that go with it and my Doctor mentioned awhile back that our girl parts don't like these changes, always moist is not good,

    • Posted

      yes I had my pap smear and it came back normal............ has your period stopped?????? I still have mine but its out of whack .........and i have the clear discharge 1 week before my period and two weeks after.................. yes always wet  I would say........sick of wearing pads!!!!!!!!! sad sad 
    • Posted

      Well, I'm glad it came back normal, that's good. Mine have always been normal, but I'm thinking about going in next week again. Well, I'd like to say my periods are done, but I've gone as long as 72 days between and this time I think is longer, so maybe I'm close. I understand about the out of whack and yes pads are annoying and not the best to wear all the time. My daughter made her own so that way she's wearing cotton only.
  • Posted

    I do have this a bit, I don't worry about it and I've never asked a doctor about it. I always understood as long as it is clear and not cottage cheese like or smelly it's ok and normal.

    I can't say that I have it all the time but if I have a time without it I find that then I'm more likely to be itchy dry and uncomfortable than I am when I get it now and then.

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      It's just been to long now and it is starting to bother me, making me sensitive, etc and yes I know what you mean about consistency, etc.

      I get hot down there at times and I don't imagine that it has helped, wearing cotton hasn't really solved things either.

      I'm increasing my probiotics today and yogurt intake, hope it helps. I also hope this is the end of this nonsense

    • Posted

      After my periods stopped was so dry and for me that was worse than being a bit wet. It was so itchy too I had a job to leave myself alone, no trousers or jeans because they made it worse.
    • Posted

      So much fun this menopause 👎🏼😒

      I just remembered a cream the Doctor told me to buy for Sensitive skin, feel dumb not remembering that. I have some so I'm going to try it, the itchy thing is a bugger!

    • Posted

      Hi some are getting relief with a product called sylk, they have a website and will send you a free sample. Mine hasn't arrived yet (probably overwhelmed by women who read about it on here).

      It's also available on prescription.

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