Hi there HS forum
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I've been diagnosed with HS for several years now and am so fed up with the many painful boils around my groin area. It's so hard to walk or sit. No help from doctors so am going to go to a herbalist /healer whom I hope will sort this out once and for all. I believe diet may contribute to this horrible condition so am going to try no sugar, dairy, wheat or yeast. Has anyone else been down this holistic route with good results?
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Nfonseca88 caroline_63507
Hey, I have been not eating nightshade vegetables and I haven't had any new ones since. I've been trying this for two months. I've also been exercising a lot.. losing weight and taking Tumeric and Zinc supplements.
caroline_63507 Nfonseca88
That's great will give it a go 😀 good luck
crystal_08850 caroline_63507
Yes! I found remission by finding my food sensitivities and cutting them out. Mine are nightshades, coconut and nuts. Nightshades are a big one for many with autoimmune conditions because those plants have a natural pesticide we're sensitive to.
I was stage 3 and I stay in remission as long as I don't eat my sensitivities. I'm very strict with my diet. Recently, after not having cysts for months, I developed a bad cyst, my hands ached for 2 weeks and my face broke out with cystic acne. I searched and discovered a new gum my family had bought a couple of weeks earlier had coconut fat in it! I didn't even think about gum having that in it! That small amount sent me in a downward spiral! It's not worth it! Good luck!
milina caroline_63507
I hope that you find something that helps your symptoms, and keep us informed if you find anything that works for you! Theres so much trial and error it seems in finding something.
Nfonseca88 milina
I heard Dermoplast helps with pain. I've never tried it yet but I do hear it helps numb the area. Maybe look and see if that's an option you want to try since you are probably in a lot of pain. I hope it helps you if you decide to try it.
jay67962 caroline_63507
I did go to a holistic centre some years ago, I just dropped in and all the "practitioners" were busy. But a woman who was some kind of receptionist/manager/caretaker wouldn't let me get away! She started talking at me non-stop and basically diagnosed me with all sorts of stuff, without really knowing anything about me because I hadn't told her anything. I found it all really uncomfortable and upsetting and never went back.
millenger caroline_63507
Yes Caroline, that route is the best route to go!
Going to have to cut out refined sugar, gluten, nightshade vegetables and dairy- I promise you will have positive results! I know your pain, it's so discouraging but I assure you will find relief if you go holistically and refrain from taking antibiotics or anything prescribed by the doctors. I'd definitely recommend Turmeric in capsules, as well as Oregano in capsules. If you have flare ups, you can put Colloidial Silver on the affected area - topically to rid infection. Keep your head up, and try not to stress, stress only makes things worse! This will get better
aussie76 caroline_63507
Absolutely diet in my opinion after suffering for 20 years. Main one is nightshades (Potato's in particular) and Paprika (watch out it's in everything).
Just avoiding nightshades keeps it at bay. I get very minimal redness sometimes and think it's when I drink a look of milk in one day... or maybe some cheese, or less likely nuts.
jay67962 caroline_63507
Diet is definitely the best approach. It may be dairy, or nightshades, or something else, we're all different, and it's a case of trying out which foodstuffs to eliminate. With me it's dairy, I cut it out and got a huge improvement. I later tested intolerant to it as well.