Hi there - not sure if anyone will remember me?

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I'd stopped drinking for 17 months and felt fantastic.

I've started drinking again but no where near the extent that I used to.

How is everyone else doing - I've not had any notifications for a good few months.

All the best

Claire xx

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Of course I remember you! How many units per week i wonder? you did try and are being very honest by coming here seeking advice. i stopped nearly nine years ago and was sober for 5 months but started again! Just the one and thought that i was actually in control, but I was not. However, stopped again a few months later and that worked. I wait to hear from you Claire. Kind regards Robin

  • Edited

    Tomorrow i will be sober for 8 years exactly. You can do it.

    • Edited

      Hey Robin - my inspiration!! I can take it or leave it to be honest. I can go for weeks without a drink and then I really fancy a glass of wine so I'll have a couple of large glasses and then I can stop again. I don't really enjoy it as much as I used to and I remember I used to start drinking as soon as I got up so I'm not anywhere near as dependent as I used to be. It's one of those things that I'm constantly aware of though.

      Massive congratulations to you on your 8 years sobriety. That is one hell of a feat and you and your family should be immensely proud. How are your twins getting on?

      Anyway Robin, lovely to hear from you and wishing you and your family all best wishes for 2021. I certainly can't wait for the back of 2020 and also can't wait to have the vacinne!!

      All the best

      Claire xx

  • Posted

    Twins are 10 and a handful! Thanks for asking. You do not seem to have a big problem since you do not crave alchohol like i did the moment i woke up. Perhaps you can gradually decrease it? However, i am not concerned since you also indicate that you do not like the taste that much and you do not have strong cravings. Best of luck and a Happy New Year to you again. Regards Robin

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