Hiatus Hernia things you might no know
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I have had a hiatus hernia for 14 years probably longer, it kept happening with flare ups until I had to take medication for it. I have had all the tests to see about surgery which they refused to do! I have had gaviscon, nexium, lansprozale, omeprozal and ranitidine. the most effective being the gaviscon (i was taking it by the bucket load) but it reacts with garlic resulting in a lot of wind most of the others did nothing and here is what the doctors don't tell you. All the tablets I mentioned apart from gaviscon are pp inhibitors they stop the stomach producing acid, so how do you then digest your food? they reduce digestive enzymes that then result in constipation which then makes the reflux worse. when the food isn't digested properly your gut can't absorb the nutrients from it (as a result my iron levels are very low, but can't take iron supplements as they cause consipation). Vicious circle. but it gets worse the food lying your gut then can start to ferment instead of digest and this causes more wind (like you need any more) and this puts more pressure on the hernia causing more reflux despite taking meds, this can then go up your gullet causing breathing difficulties because the acid is getting into your lungs and causing sore throat, sinusitis, ear pain and lots of catarrah, the catarrah then goes down to your stomach causing more digestive problems as your stomach isn't supposed digest that.
Women who think it gets worse around that time of the month are right, the hormone change that happens every month, slow your bowel down, cause some degree of anxiety and stress which increase stomach acid causing more of the same problems. Hormones control every function in your body, stress and poor nutrition can change the way they operate.
I have researched extensively, using a guinea pig for my theories (ME!) and found that trying cut out all processed food (especially sugars), reducing bread and carbs down to a minimum and eating easily digestible foods ie fruit and veg really helps, as well as eating a natural yoghurt everyday (unless your lactose intolerant) really helps but it doesn't get rid of it completely.
I have had nearly every symptom that I have seen listed on this forum. I would advise anybody who has this condition to keep a food & symptoms diary to try and help yourself as much as possible. It very possible that symptoms of IBS will make the reflux worse, this has been my worst year yet back in feb I couldn't eat anything cos I kept feeling like I was choking it took a few weeks to get back to normal food but something still isn't right I have lost over 2.5 stone, I have no energy and I find the doctors worse than useless. That is why I started researching, I was fed up of being treated like a mushroom by them.
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The drug companies must be rubbing their hands together at people like us drugs to treat the reflux, drugs to treat the effects of the reflux meds and pain relief as well anybody else feel as though they should rattle when they walk? drug companies are as bad as dealers!
Found your post very interesting. My own research does not put our medication in a good light. I am on strong Vitamin B compound because of the effect of it.
Jrridgeway Gemini
I cam off all that bad medicine and drink aloe water before every meal and at bedtime. No more acid reflux. Might find it helpful too.
uri10066 Guest
Many Thanks.
perhaps one day someone will find a cure
good luck to all
Glennie68 Guest
I too having great problems with my diet. I have had one consultation which I wasn't happy with at all - of course I got the locum! I am having a second opinion - my diet is so retricted I could scream - and the meds all make me feel crap. I am off to see a surgeon. I've read the stories - good and bad. But what life have I got now? I can't go out for meals. I can't go to a takeaway. I'm always driving coz I can't drink - and I am up burning the midnight oil due to the fact I felt 'lazy' and baked myself a shop bought fishcake. It's killing me! I,ve had 2 PPI'S both of which didn't agree and now it's Ranitidine - which doesn't work that well (at least I can taste a bit more)! It's about time the medics realised with some folks the drugs don't work!
sylviane15556 Guest
Gemslie Guest
lesley11307 Guest
tiffanie1965 Guest
I too have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. I went through every test, over the course of 5 months, to find out why I was sick all the time, and had terrible chest pain. First they thought in was my gallbladder, then they thought it was H. Pylori. On May 30, 2017, i had an upper endoscopy, and i was immediately put on Prilosec. I was told I had Barrett's disease also, but my biopsies came back negative. The surgeon said I had to do 4 things: quit smoking, loose weight, eat properly, and take Prilosec. So... I went to my PCP doctor, she took a look at my CT scan, and my upper endoscopy results, and told me I had a sliding hiatal hernia, meaning the part of my stomach that pushes up into my esophagus, also slides back down.
She suggested that I sleep on my left side, and with a bigger pillow. Those two things did help! So....I've done almost all of what the surgeon asked, I've cut my smoking down to less than half of what I used to smoke, lost weight, cut caffeine, sugar, and processed food + fried food out of my diet, and take Prilosec every day. I'm not sick everyday, and haven't actually vomited since May 2017, but I feel horrible! I'm so lethargic, I'm constantly constipated, and I think my hair is falling out. I take other medication, and I don't feel like they are working at all, so after reading all the comments here, I'm pretty sure it's the Prilosec that is the problem. A friend suggested taking a probiotic multi digestive enzymes supplement, but I don't know enough about them.
So, I have a question... Does anyone with a hiatal hernia take digestive enzymes, and do you take them with your PPI, or stopped taking the PPI, and only take the digestive enzymes?
yvonne57149 tiffanie1965
Hi I have a 5cm sliding hiatus hernia I can be in agony for over a week at a time missing work and seeing family my pain is in upper part of stomach and back hurts and feel sick. I feel I have tried so many things but recently I bought OptiBac one a day live cultures after 1 month no episodes then I ran out stupidly thinking I was better a week later sham back again. So I have ordered more I think they really must of helped.
chuny1892 yvonne57149
Hi you mentioned OptiBac would this help with my constant pain from my hernia. I am happy to try anything
yvonne57149 chuny1892
chuny1892 yvonne57149