Hiatus Hernia Two years of searching, finally hiatus hernia.

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Two years ago for no apparent reason I had an attack of vomiting and from being perfectly healthy I have been in mild to doubling pain every waking hour, its rare that I have five minutes without this continual pain, going to sleep and even being woken, my sleep pattern has changed and I'd say I get around 4-5 hours sleep now, I can say that in two years I have had four days pain free, no idea how or why. My GP has gone down the route of trying all the usual medicines that I can recognize on here as well as gastroscopy, colonoscopy, scans etc.

My symptoms are back pain, burning acid-like in lower back and today for instance, it feels like a burning tennis ball under my right shoulder blade, I have had palpatations, keep going hot and now am feeling sick, stomach wise I feel bloated, wearing a belt is agony and if driving with a belt on it definitely makes things worse.

The pain has never let up - I tried Amiltrypaline which after a few weeks I found the pain had eased somewhat but, the effects on my short term memory, balance, driving, dry mouth, palpatations, sleep werer not worth it.

I had an endoscopy a year ago which showed gastritis also had a scan which revealed polyps on gallbladder, after a year and a half of constantly pressuring my GP and getting nowhere I went to see a specialist who seemed to do a more thorough exploration and this yielded a hiatus hernia- this seems to make sense as the more of your posts I read on here under Hiatus Hernia the more it mirrors my exact symptoms. 

I have had a day of popping pain-killers and yet today, nothing has remotely touched the pain, one thing that I found weird last night was that every moment of every day since the vomiting two years ago I have lower burning back pain, but last night it shifted and is under my right shoulder blade, it has been burning away all day and is passing on to the left - it really hasn't eased one bit.

What is the next stage? From what I have read, any operations seem less than positive and excruciating.

Anyway, after years it is at least good to know there are people in the same boat as me, what foods or drinks should I be avoiding. I seem to have tried cutting out everything from garlic, ginger, bread, meat, spices, pasta, rice, booze, fruit juice, coffee still I cannot put my finger on any one thing? Thanks

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    H na,

    Have you been tested for helicobacter Pylori or H.Pylori. It is a bacteria that lives in your gut and duodenum. It burrows into the gut wall and can cause immense pain cause dreadful acid reflux and make you sick and generally ill. It is a tiny corkscrew shaped bacteria that can hide from medicationi.e. antibiotics as it can use its shape to burrow. The test is done via a stool sample usually. Start eating probiotics such as yogurt everyday that has good bacteria that stays in the gut or you can buy capsule form from the health shop or chemist....best wishes...


    • Posted

      Hi Lilian, that's an interesting point because of all the tests I have had, and there have been so many I am starting to loose count, I am pretty sure that stool samples have not been taken..
    • Posted

      Another thing doctors dont do is check us for parasites...This should also be done especially that all test are normal
  • Posted

    Gas and bloating equals pain...charcoal tablets with anti gas and bloating in it helps with the gas and bloating therefore getting rid of the pain. Garlic and ginger boiled as a tea also stops gas and bloating.drink it 3 times a day no sugar. Warm compress on the area thats bloated also brings relief. Try some of these for a couple of days and see what happens.
  • Posted

    How are you feeling today?

    I believe I have a hiatus hernia too.

    I have stinging under my right back rib cage, not much in the front.

    No pain in stomach though.

    I can bear the stinging, but like you in goes down my back on the right side. Not much on the left side at all.

    I try sitting up all day, and mostly propped when I sleep.

    What really is agonizingy is this clear mucus I keep bringing up.

    Do you have any mucus?

    I have been thinking the mucus is from my lungs and bringing up.

    Now I am thinking I should keep in down.

    Share your experience and how you now are doing.


  • Posted

    Oh yes, I had H pylori in 2011, and tested last year via stool sample and it was negative.

    I was in a PPI that can alter the results, I am told

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