Hiaus Hernia
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I was diagnosed with a hiatus hernia about a year ago but I was suffering with severe heartburn for about 3 years. I have taken Omeprazole 20mg and then I was given 30mg as this wasn't helping my symptoms I was on this medication for about 2 years it wasn't helping so I went back to the doctors and they then gave me esomeprazole 30mg which helped for about a week and then I went back and they told me to take 2 and she finally referred me to the hospital where I had a endoscopy and that's when I was diagnosed with a sliding 3mm hiatus hernia. I am now on Lansoprazole 20mg but I am still getting discomfort whenever I eat. Even if its a free from product I feel like I don't digest food properly and I am constantly bloated I feel discomfort most of the time in my upper stomach. is this normal I'm 23 and if I forget to take my tablet once I cant eat for a few days as my appetite just goes as my heart burn is horrendous. My doctor said I'm too young and my hernia isn't severe enough to require surgery. Any advise? Thank you .
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whitney7777 isobel52709
I have an endoscopy next week, but I'm in the exact situation. I'm 30 and this has been going on for about 8 years. I'm on Protonix right now but have been on everything. When it's bad nothing helps. Even if I don't have the burning from acid I still am constantly burping up food I ate hours ago, I'm bloated, constantly fatigued, short of breath and have pain all over but mainly right under my rib cage in the center, it's even tender to touch. I get sharp pain there Alot also like something is stabbing me. My point is, you are not alone. You are not to young and if it's causing those symptoms IT IS severe enough. I'm also a nurse and my advice is to get a new doctor. There is not need to suffer when there are so many procedures that can fix your issues. Sometimes surgery is what has to be done. That's where I'm at, I don't want to go under the knife, but I'd rather do that then unnecessarily suffer. I'll pray for you, I understand just how miserable it can be.
isobel52709 whitney7777
Thank you whitney7777 for your advise. I hope your endoscopy goes well I don't remember mine as I was asleep during but your a nurse so you know what to expect. I'm so sick of feeling like this they took bloods last week as they thought it was my thyroid it's like they are avoiding that it is my hernia causing these issues.
whitney7777 isobel52709
I'm getting out of the medical field just because of situations like ours. I see it everyday. Doctors treat symptoms and not the underlying problem leading to people being far worse off than if they would have just treated the problem to begin with. More money is made for big pharm having people on a million medications. It's sickening.
janice38818 whitney7777
veronica37985 isobel52709
The problem with a hiatal hernia is not the hernia per se but the fact it allows acid to reflux from your stomach. It’s helpful therefore to avoid food and drink that trigger more acid. Keeping a food diary and making a note of your symptoms might give you a clue about food to avoid. Triggers are different for everybody, common culprits are citrus fruits/ fruit juice, carbonated drinks, tomatoes, high fat foods, alcohol. Eating small meals and having small snacks in between can help. Leaving 3 hours after eating before going to bed helps. I’ve always eaten raw fruit and salads and wholemeal bread - but now I poach apples, pears, apricots and eat more steamed vegetables and white bread. I too have a hiatal hernia at 5-6 cm, that also is considered too small for surgery, but I also know it does not help everyone. Taking an antacid - Peptac liquid or Gaviscon can relieve symptoms. I take 20 ml at night last thing - it forms a bit of a raft over stomach to keep acid down. After many years on lansaprazole and now esomeprazole I’ve realised I need to do more with diet, the meds can’t do it all! Best of luck, and yes, go back to the docs if your symptoms get worse despite your best efforts.
ted43022 isobel52709
I also have been diagnosed with acid reflux have had it for about 3 years or so but also have pain and soreness under my right rib cage and it feels like pins and needles and stinging at times . And this has been going on for almost a year now. Even feels like stabbing or needles In my upper leg and groin area. Have head servile test ran they seem the sank its my herniated disk L1 and L2 but I'm not so sure just wondering if you had any of these symptoms Because I have had several people to tell me that they believe that I had a hernia. And yes I agree you need to see another doctor
janice38818 ted43022
ted43022 janice38818
janice38818 isobel52709
Isobel youre very young to be bothered by this its a terrible terrible disease to live with my mum suffered all the time bloated stomach farting sorry to say, and if she was out bending forward in the garden the pain she had was terrible, she kept bisodol or any indigestion tablets as she didnt get stomach tablets back then in the 60s 70s 80s , she died in 1981, it was awful seeing her go through it, they offered her the operation as she was in her fifties at the time but they told her what they did at that time , they have to cut into youre spine go through to youre stomach its the only way they could do it back then , my mum said no she could have went through the operation but I think my mum had had enough of operations by this time, keep pestering youre doctors for the operation lass, dont keep going through that its too painful and all the burping and naseau pain in youre stomach, I really sympathise with you, my mum went through hell , dont keep going through it get the operation youve no life with it my heart goes out to you, I suffer with Irritable bowel syndrome, its bad at times but nothing like a hitaus hernia, take care of yourself let me know how you are from time to time, all the best love janicexxxxxxxxx
janice38818 isobel52709
lyn1951 isobel52709
I have got my gastritis and hernia under control and been able to toss my esomeprazole away.
I stay away from garlic, under cooked onions, and especially beef for dinner, my main meal of the day is now lunch, my dad had exactly the same, and I'm told my brother has now developed the same, and following dad's lead, we have somewhat solved our problems.
I can eat something with cinnamon or mixed spice in it for breakfast or mid-morning, but after that NOT A GOOD IDEA.
If I have a flare later in the day, usually because I have eaten something that is dis-agreeing with me, chocolate is a good example have added to list of NO NO's later in the day just recently.
I make up a cup of half a cup of milk, and top off with boiling water until just warm, able to put finger into, and sip slowly, NO I do not like very much, ughhhh!!!!, but its works breaking up trapped gas, and even seems to settle angry tum, repeat if necessary, also makes me burp a long long burp, but better out than trapped.
Did this for mix for dad in the hospital after he was complaining about stomach pain, in his last few days, they were not feeding him like mum had for years to save him pain and discomfort, nurses were amazed it worked better than all their meds.