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i read the many post on the subject of HS and i am so happy to have found that i am not alone in this struggle. There are so much instances which was discussed that related to me and what i was going through. I will try to be brief as possible with my continued struggle so please bear with me.
It started about 3 years ago when i truly notice this within my anal passage during my physical exam. my doctor advise me that I had a condition called HS for short, he walked me through it along with recommending me to take a course of anti biotic doxycylin along with an anti biotic cream. he further advise me to eliminate smoking, alcohol, exercise and lose weight. To this request i obeyed with still no result.
within year two when i was due for my second check up i decided to get another doctors view. Needless to say they were not interested in this specific issue and simply prescribe the same medication the previous doctor prescribe. I obediantly did as instructed with there being some relief for a few months until the flare up occurred started again. This persisted for months into the time for my next check up. I foolishly returned to the same doctor who again simply prescribe the same antibiotics as previously. due to my blood works result I had to make a drastic change in my diet which resulted in the flare ups coming with a vengeance.
It became so unbearable I decided to see a dermotologist who some what dismiss that it was HS advise me that i had develop fistula and suggested surgery. I made a determination to read up more on my condition and found out that surgery was primary recommended by western medicine doctors dismissing a natural way to correct or mend the problem. Further there was not a 100% chance that the fistula problem would not occur again. I later on found out that as a result of the HS in that area it brought on hemmoroids, fissures etc.
Being p****d of and discourage I seek natural medicine which i am continuing to date. In the natural journey I realized and learned so much about the condition and how much it relates to my autoimmune system and my gut. you see during my moments of pain i pop plenty pain killers which eventually broke down my digestive wall leading into leaky gut amongst other things.
The natural health practitioners further advise me of the importance of cleansing my body from the many anti bodies that was in it over the years, put me on a cleansing program and drastically change my diet to primary fruit and vegetables. I felt better, saw results and lost weight however I realized it would be a process to heal my body. Not to forget the discussion about mucus build up in my system.
The strictly fruit and vegetable diet was arduous and expensive. In addition I started to incorparate some protein etc in my body to retain my weight which has drastically decline rapidly.
I have learned amongst other things that as simple as instructing me to follow up with probiotics to counter the eradication of the good and bad bacteria in my stomach caused by the antibiotics was simply not suggested.
To bring this plane for a landing I am in a battle of to determine which food or diet is best to assist me with eliminating HS. It continues to be a difficult process being afraid as to which food will cause flares ups or which is safe to eat. There was mentioned of having various test done to see which food my system is intolerant t., I will seek to see if that service is offered in my neck of the woods and have it done.
In the interim if there is anyone who can offer me advise on what my next step should be I would be greatly to recieve humbly await contributions.....thank you
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Voidrunner brian56784
Hi Brian,
I have had HS for +-20 years and also did a lot of things, salves, etc. etc. Eventually I read a book called "The Hidden Plague" . It helped me immensely understanding the condition. I went on a paleo diet and also cut out nightshade veggies. Everything cleared up nicely. I however couldn't keep up with the diets etc. as I have a sweet tooth and am a smoker. I stopped the diet and started smoking again and our "friend" HS returned. I then started taking cheap over the counter zinc pills, two a day when I get a flare-up and one every two days when I am clear. I haven't had a bad flare up for years. The zinc pills really help. I know it might not be the solution, but so far I had a good "vacation" from all the diets and non-smoking. Anti-biotics don't work , they just help you to not get infected with something else. Hang in there, once you get to know this horrible condition you can control it pretty effectively. Unfortunately it took me about 15 years to figure out what I have.
brian56784 Voidrunner
voidrunner thank you for your response, insight and encouragement. what particular night shade vegetables you gave up? the zinc pills will be considered. which part of your body you experienced the flare ups? thank you
Voidrunner brian56784
I stopped eating potatoes and tomatoes and stopped eating chillies, so basically all of them. I have them in the groin area. What I found is that just loosing weight alone can make a big difference.
brian56784 Voidrunner
thank you again for your insights void runner..
I agree with you as it elates to losing weight i have noticed a diffeence. the hardest part was knowing exactly what foods was agreeable, i guess through trial and error.
I know everyone body make up is different exactly how long did it took you to realize results? i found myself becoming impatient thinking my course of action is not working.
Voidrunner brian56784
I was on the paleo diet and cut out all nightshades also stopped smoking, all lesions and boils just started healing... After everything cleared up I started adding one by one type of food, i would get a result in less than a week, when I ate potatoes I literally had a flare-up the next day... So the process can actually work very quickly. The problem I found is that your body might be fine with one 'no-no' food, but 2 or 3 of them will give you a flare-up. It's all just experimenting. Also paprika is a big no-no , for me at least, and that is in almost all processed food. If you do not want to go on a paleo diet then at least try to cut out all processed food and anything with paprika in it.
brian56784 Voidrunner
thank you kind sir for your help