Hidradenitis Suppurativa: You Can Have your Life Back!

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Hi. My name is Catherine and I have been suffering with HS for over 23 years. They first started out as red bumps in the vaginal area. After repeated infections my doctor surgically removed the tissue. That didn't work. The lesions started appearing in the same location but on the opposite side. My physician didn't know what these bumps were and in 2009 he sent me to a dermatologist. She took one look and told me instantly that I had hidradenits suppurativa. I was in shock. I read up on everything I could find. I was put on doxycycline for the next 4 years and was miserable. The anti-biotic would cause me to have yeast problems and subsequently I was put on diflucan to deal with the yeast. It was a never ending problem. Now my red bumps were rupturing and weeping. This was new for me.

I went online to read as much as I could about HS. I read medical information and blogs. It was highly informative. There was a commonality of humiliation and pain, depression and the desire to feel normal. One entry caught my attention. It was about a woman who had suffered from HS and finally went to a Naturopath. He gave her two food sensitivity tests,an IgE and an IeE. She found out what foods she was allergic to and immediately removed them from her diet. She is now HS free.

I couldn't afford to go see a Naturopath and so I decided to start on a diet of protein (chicken) and salad (basic lettuce,cucumbers with olive oil and vinegar), vegetables such as green beans, squash, carrots, english peas,broccoli, cauliflower. I removed eggs, dairy, gluten which is in bread and a myriad of foods which include flour. I also removed Nightshade veggies and fruits.

Once I was stable ...which took about a week, I added eggs. I had no flares. That food was safe. I then added dairy products, again no flares. I added beef and fish with no problems. I was anxious about adding flour/gluten back into my diet as I was sure that this was the food group that I was sensitive to. However, after introducing gluten back into my diet there were no flares. That left me with only one group to test and that was the Nightshade veggies and fruits. This group includes: white potatoes, tomatoes, peppers including paprika (not white or black pepper), gooseberries and goji berries. These foods have alkaloids in them to fight off bugs. Interesting?

So, I added foods from this group into my diet and ....I FLARED!! I finally had the information that I needed. I immediately went through my pantry and removed any and everything with red pepper, tomatoes,and paprika. Paprika is everywhere. It is in hot dogs, mayonnaise, mustard and seasonings. If you eat processed foods...beware as it is in everything. I learned to read all the labels of everything at the grocery store and even double check it once it was in my pantry.

I am in remission and I intend to stay there.My lesions are flat. All that exists are scars and I can live with that.

I am certain that HS is the body's response to a food that the body is allergic to. It is not due to "not being clean enough" or due to being overweight. It will only respond to antibiotics for a short term and then those fail to work. Topicals don't work either. I do believe that once HS comes into your life, it takes over everything that you love. I was a victim to this disease for too many years. I have now, taken back my life. You can change your diet and be free. I recommend that if you decide to find out what foods you may be allergic to in order to be free from this disease that you consider incorporating these supplements: turmeric (wonderful anti-inflammatory), zinc, vitamin c, a probiotic, and green tea for itching It is a natural anti-histamine.

I hope you find this helpful. God Bless You

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    Hello I'm Yajaira I've had HS for the past 22 years I have been able to deal with it....I've had surgery many years ago....I stopped about 5 years looking for relief and dealt with it as best as possible but right now im at my worst I cant sit or move around without pain which im in 24/7.... Please Help if possible 201-982-3230

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    Hi Catherine how are you doing now? Are you still keeping up with the diet?
  • Posted

    Thanku so much for sharing this! It has given me some hope to heal this horrible disease. I hope you are still clear from it and are enjoying your life hs free. Thanks again 😀

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    HI Miss Just I saw your post and I am trying to follow step by step just like you. There is one question I Wana to ask it's look like funny to say but how to eat vegetables like, grean beans, broccoli, cauliflower I mean in raw form cut into pieces and eat or to cook these vegetables. If you anyone else know then please please please please tell me waiting 4 your reply. Thanks

  • Posted

    HI Miss, just saw your post and I am following your post step by step. All I wanna to know how to to eat vegetables I mean in raw materials cut into pieces or to cook in frypen
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    1holly42870 sister can you come in inbox please I need more information about dieting thank you
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    Hmm can you tell me dieting routine what we eat in morning, evening and night thank you
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    Hello Catherine435

       Thank you for this info. i have had this for over 15 years and it is getting worsr. i was wondering if an allergist can find out what i am allergic to as far as foods .  please let me know . i am tired of these boils and the pain . 

     thank you 


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    I just wanted to state that I have had HS for 25 years and have never had anything actually "help" me until I read this article.  Back in October I was desperate for something to help me...anything.   I read about elminating nightshades, and I have not had even one flare since I stopped eating them.  I have cut out potatoes completely, as well as all other night shade plants, with the exception of tomatoes (because I love salsa...but I don't eat it very often).  It has been a life changer.  Thank you!!

  • Posted

    Thank you for this insight I shall try this as anythings better than this smile hope your remission continues 
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    I heart warming story Catherine, I'm so glad you have found the answer for you. I was first diagnosed 24 years ago, and nearly died. The operating theater that excised my rt groin had to be closed down for a week, after the scalpel made its first cut, the goo inside, under such enormous pressure, spurted out over all the staff, and the room, it had to be deep cleaned.  I have had it back sevearal times but never gone near a hospital. Like you, I had found ways to keep it in remission. I have lived an active life for the past 24 years, despite HS, Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, industrial poisoning, etc etc.   Beofre I put my penny worth in, may I plead with those who think gluten free is the answer.  It plays a part.  I worry that despite you being very careful when cutting foods out, and re introducing each food type one at a time, others further down the thread have mis read and decided for themselves you are advocating gluten free, which you aren't. For those poeple, beware, as the human has lived with wheat and gluten for millenia, by cutting out all wheat and grass products for a mere 3 weeks, you can MAKE your self gluten intolerant. The answer insofar as gluten goes, is whole ancient grain, and since recently I went from home made spelt flour low gulten bread, to a lovely high gluten and lactic acid, hemp milk, organic molasses sourdough homemade bread, and got an HS flare up and spread from rt groin to rt armpit, and have also had 2 Indian meals with spices and also changed from Sebamed soap free soap to Aveeno, and had 2 long soaks in a high dose Oilatum bath and not wiped or even patted dry, I have immediately made some changes.  I have come to the conclusion that no single factor is involved....but hormonal response is important.  So here goes....the Apocrine glands are considered vestigial, ie as scent glands they produce a clear "juice" which is now unscented in the human, both in armpit and groin. The glands, also have some vestigial and integral properties, in that they used to use the action of some bacteria (staph and strep) to make the smell, thus they always had some form of device, property, or membrane, which separated the gunk, from our own immune system. The bacteria are anaerobic, so if a pore, especially a hair follicle with sweat and apocrine duct, gets blocked, the resultant scent free bodily cells produced ( the scent free scent, under MRI, actually shows special cells rupture, and release modified cells which are then allowed to go into the sweat or hair follicle duct) builds up.  It will often occur under stress, and normal human reaction to stress, and we tend to suffer these from puberty onwards.  The case is, that if a pore is already blocked, bad bacteria will mutiply in the absence of oxygen, and so if the build up of fluid then gets infected, then you have a problem. 99 times out of a hundred (funny that, because when I was diagnosed in 1993, HS affected  1 in 100,000 in the population, not even in the books on your GPs desk or shelf, and mentioned in the space of 5 minutes during the 7 years a doctor trains......now they say, or some say, that HS is in 1 in a hundred people) the pea sized hard lump deep down will go away...sometimes flucox, relaxation, a lifestyle change..and hey presto, it's gone...but if you try to squeeze it (don't ever, only ever scratch, not stab, with a sterile sharp point, if you have a white patch at least 3 to 5mm across, it's so painful you can't walk, and it has rapidly gone from pea sized to checken or goose egg) you might cause a boil, spot, or whatever, morph from what it is, to HS type problem.   I have found that soya is not the cause, but recommend organic beans, and if you are making your own milk or Tofu (I was the first in the UK to do in early 1980s btw), I also recommend you use unflouridated water. There are 3 types of flouride in water, one is naturel, and safe, the other two are added by water companies, are waste products from the fertiliser industrial process.....please stop drinking it now, and do not replace with a toothpaste with added flouride either......    Btw, flouride in my area has nt been added for at least 16 years to the water. I have only had a flare up of HS when I have been drinking water which has added flouride, but that's not the whole story, yu can find out what is in your water by ringing your water company, AW also gave me the levels of each pstcode that I have lived in since 2000).....while one is away, one is under stress, has hormonal sweat response especially if driving long distance, changing doet, and meeting people who stress you...lol.  The story is, or seems to be complicated, but it's easy really...so read on.  I went vegan in 1981, we cured my first born of permanent birth scars, excema, and what would likely have turned to IBS or Crohns, the health authority threatened us with court if we fed a 6 month old baby vegan, 6 months later i was giving dietary advice to the Drs !!! )....it runs in my family (btw, in 1993, there were a mere 3 sibling duos in the world, known to science, where one sibling had HS, the other had chrohns, my bro and I were the 4th)...and for 14 years I was a vegan. I got HS as a vegan. I got it after a huge amount of stress in my life. I got it when I changed my lifestyle, and my food types, despite staying vegan. I am now a choosy pescatarian, no red meat, no cows milk, low cheese, etc.  The thing is, what matters, is what you take into your guts and lungs, and your skin, as well as your lifestyle.  So looking at where the most herbicide, GM crops are used, and above all pesticides and antibiotics....you would think that it is being an organic vegan is the answer.....but if the organic is restricted to diet, you'll lose the HS battle.  40% of the worlds chemicals go into cotton.  Then buy organic, wear loose fitting clothes, and WASH new clothes before wearing. Next, what goes past your lips most next in a day....probably water, tea, and coffee.  Follow Catherines advice (btw, she has triumphed, and I completely back her findings) and try green tea, but be aware that  freeze dried cheap coffee, tons of tea ( I was drinking 20 cups a day of flouridated water with tea when I developed HS, the local water co didn't ditch added flouride until a decade later) , and even alcohol has chemicals including baddies...I make my own wine from organic fruit, and use unrefined organic sugar...next, you have probably, especially if you are female, being given advice re calcium and iron. The fact is, the it is the Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosporus balance, that is key to strong bones...have you been taking iron and calcium tablets? Did you know that high calcium prevents the uptake of magnesium. Did you know that a blood test for magnesium won't help? Only 3% is present in your blood. Magnesium tablets won't help either. It is best taken up through the skin, which is why your healthy forebears, especially the ladies, would "take the waters", ie a spa bath in Epsom salts. TK Max has them for £3.50 per 500g, get a medigrade, Westlab in Superdrug £3.99. Btw, I don't work, and never have, nor have any financial interest in any company, I'm a pattern maker to the toy industry actually.   I agree with Catherine that zinc is important too, and the others she suggests.  Be careful not to take supplements 2 hrs either side of taking Lymecycline as well, read the leaflet inside the box please.  Lastly, as I have written lots already, so I'll cut this now (doesn't mean I'm all out of good advice at all, I just am aware some might be worried it's to complicated), there are 2 most important things to take on board. I have researched little in the last 25 yrs, but the latest stuff I have read tells a sorry tale.....the biggest contributory factors are the worrying anti biotic resistance in humans...and your HS has bugs which you do not want to become antibiotic resistant do you...and WEIGHT. Sorry if you are overweight ....25 yrs ago the majority of HS sufferers were of Afro Carribean descent, due to curly hair etc, now the most likely newly diagnosed with HS will be female and overweight.  So it goes without saying that you should be on low dose, long term tetracycline for HS stage 1, and 2 usually, 2 months minimum, but stop going to the Dr if you have the snuffles, it's a virus !!  Also thnk about meat, where it comes from, and how much antibiotics they are putting in red meat. They are telling you it is because the meat is better for you, and leaner, and the cow will have more of it. They are lying, herds are having to be uberdosed to keep them alive actually, as they have already become antibiotic resistant.  Above all, don't expect the health service to keep you alive and happy. Catherine didn't, and she found the answers and is happy and disease free...and I will be in weeks, as i know what triggered my spread and flare up.  If you need to lose weight, look up Dr Julian Mosely and fasting either 1700 cal max every other day, or the 5/2 diet.  Bless you all.  THANK YOU CATHERINE 

  • Posted

    Dear Catherine,

    I have been thinking of food Allergy particularly Gluten which made me reach here,

    Your experience raises a lot of other possibilities.


  • Posted

    thank you very much very informative discussion, i am recently into this having almost 8 months, i will try to go for a safe food 
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    Im from the philippines our meal it comes always have white rice...can rice trigger HS...
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    Informative. Thank you. Has the diet continued to work well for you .

    I was thinking to use the FODMAP guidelines in my diet since I experienced an ulcerative collitis episode few years ago.


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