High acid levels
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Hi, just for small background details im 18 and living in the UK but from the US
In early high school I noticed one day that if I had a carbonated drink that my stomach acid would rise up to the top and I would get really nauseous and had many days that I couldn't do anything. This went on and on, me thinking this was just something that was there but would go away. Eventually I realized this was a serious issue and made an appointment with a gastroenterologist. I tried acid reducers, which I quickly ditched because they weren't working right away, as well as other, more natural remedies which more just masked the problem rather than fixed it. The gastro eventually had me do an endoscopy which he then told me that he could see the line in my stomach where the acid had gone up to but it wasn't there anymore so I was ok. Being a kid I blindly took the doctor's word as truth and continued on, but quickly realized that the problem had not gone away. It's almost been 3 years since I noticed the symptoms at first , and I'm still dealing with this problem on a daily basis. The main symptom is nausea, it's just a nagging annoying thing that makes me irate and sad, but almost never gets to the point where I throw up. Other symptoms are extreme tiredness and loss of appetite. I labeled it as acid reflux at first just from reading about it but I honestly don't know anymore, I don't experience heartburn at all which makes me think that it might not be.
I know the solution might seem obvious to those who are reading this, to just go see a doctor, which im working on getting sorted out right now. The reason i've been hesitant is because of how confusing this process has been, hearing different things from different people, alongside all of the other things I have to worry about as a teenager growing up, I haven't really known where to turn. This stomach issue has escalated problems I already have like depression and anxiety; having physical problems make the mental ones feel that much worse. Like I said im gonna work on going to a doctor, its not that easy going to one from a country you're not from, but just wanted to reach out and see if anybody else has had a similar experience and if there are any pointers you guys can give to help me out. This is my first time asking for help in a public setting like this so just wanted to give it a try.
Thanks to anyone who replies or even reads this, I appreciate it.
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Guest anonymous3333
hi there, your case is exactly like mine.,., but my endoscopy found out that I have got antral gastritis it's been a year now but I still get those horrible symptoms if I eat spicy food or too much oily food I never got heartburn too but I get nauseous to the point that I feel like I will faint or my heart would stop 😅 and this gastritis made me anxious too and anxiety makes it worse you see
anonymous3333 Guest
do you take any medication for that?
pippa58442 anonymous3333
Has gastritis/h pylori ever been mentioned to you?
anonymous3333 pippa58442
no, whats that?
pippa58442 anonymous3333
Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach lining and h pylori is a common stomach bacteria which can lead to gastritis. H Pylori requires a triple course of strong antibiotics to eradicate it. Gastritis requires PPI acid reducers to protect the stomach lining and avoidance of rich, spicy and fatty foods that can irritate the stomach. Everyone has different trigger foods so a food diary is useful to identify problem foods.
mary19068 anonymous3333
Hi anonymous
Try keeping a food diary and see what foods your stomach can and can't tolerate....leave out eating acidic foods and spicy food plus fizzy drinks....do it for a month or so if symptoms continue...yes, of course, consult a doctor. Sign up with a doctor in your area as a temporary patient if you are not completely resident in UK....No insurance needed in UK.....best wishes...
anonymous3333 mary19068
thank you i will do that
Guest anonymous3333
Yes.., I took rloc 150 twice a day. followed by domperidon before lunch.
carol65750 anonymous3333
if it is a H PYLORI then you need to see a doctor, you have antibiotics and a omprenate tablets for a number of weeks and then have a breath test to see if you have the virus. i have gerd which means i have to take a tablet a day in the morning. things like spicy food, onions, garlic, fried stuff and fizzy drinks make mine worse. My tummy gets bloated, i get sick, and real bad pain in lower stomache and back. Best to see the doctor.
CicelyE anonymous3333
Have you started eating more anti-inflammatory and alkaline foods? There's no way to get to the root and fully heal if the diet is the standard American diet full of dairy, wheat, etc. Those foods are delicious but can wreak havoc on the body and brain. Any Foods that are acidic will only worsen the problem. A high-quality digestive enzyme will help break down whatever foods you eat so that they do not linger and rot in the gut. Also, a stool test will give you a more accurate look into exactly what is happening in the intestines as far as bacteria, viruses, etc. The endoscopy won't address that. You Are spot on about your gut symptoms making your depression and anxiety worse, because your gut is constantly talking to your brain. So once you get a handle on what’s happening with your gut, the other symptoms should improve as well.
pippa58442 anonymous3333
Dairy and wheat are not necessarily bad for you. It all depends on whether you are sensitive to them or not. Some people are not adversely affected by them. The best way to find out is to eliminate these food types one by one to see if of them are the problem.
CicelyE pippa58442
I totally agree that an elimination method is best for you to learn how your body responds to each one (better than some allergy tests in my opinion). However, both dairy and wheat gluten (also in barley in rye) cause the body to release inflammatory cytokines when they are consumed, whether or not a person has a visible sensitivity. They also injure the intestinal lining, which sucks but is repairable.
pippa58442 CicelyE
I don't think these food types cause inflammation in everyone. People only react to them if they have sensitivities to these cytokines. Everyone is different. If these food types were so inflammatory, we would all be having problems. I have no such reactions. and many people don't have these problems either. These foods can be very good for you. For me dairy products such as milk work wonders for my reflux and it cured my grandad's duodenal ulcer; he was a GP. I have intestinal problems through stress and a weak oesophageal sphincter not because of dairy or gluten. damaging my intestinal, lining. There is no general rule about this. These days, one food type is good for you and the next day you are told it is bad for you. It all depends on who is doing the research and what is the latest health fad. If we were all to believe all these stories, we would end up with food phobias and even eating disorders. The key is eating a variety of food types in moderation.
mary19068 CicelyE
Hi CicelyE
Certain foods can release cytokines. There are 2 types of cytokines, Pro-Inflammatory and Anti-Inflammatory cytokines. It is the Pro-Inflammatory that cause the inflammation in our bodies and Anti-Inflammatory that fight inflammation. There are certain foods that should be eaten and not eaten to keep the Pro-Inflammatory cytokines at bay. These can be found online under "Foods that produce Anti-Inflammatory Cytokines Foods that produce Pro-Inflammatory Cytokines".....
CicelyE mary19068
I can't believe that dairy corrected your reflux, given how difficult it is to digest (smile). That is great for you!
I do agree we shouldn't be fanatical and that moderation is key.
pippa58442 CicelyE
Dairy isn't hard to digest for everyone. Milk is alkaline and that's why it neutralizes acid. and soothes the stomach.It is a great substitute when I have run out of antacid tablets. It only is a problem if you are lactose/dairy intolerant. I only avoid certain food types if they are too acidic or fatty for me. I don't read up on so called safe or unsafe foods because the data is unreliable.
mary19068 CicelyE
Hi CicelyE
I think your comment to me was meant for pippa58442.....no worries these things happen😊....