high blood pressure
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hi does meno cause high blood pressure.
i went dr yesterday as im so tierd and worn out and breathless and sweating just taking kids school. i wanted hrt or something and she said all signs of meno then did my blood pressure and said its high have to have blood test cant have hrt till find out why. so never had this problem as in past it used to be low gosh im falling to bits only 47. but i have put weight on around my middle alot and thats from lack of exersise with the feeling tierd all time plus had an op in summer for a tumor so was tierd from that but my blood presure was fine then. fed up of all this feel like im getting old to fast. i get pins and needls to and bloat and my hands swell up. my elbow hurts all the time but dr said tennis elbow.🙁
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didi0613 d19606
Drs. are stupid on peri symptons. I have high bp. too, but its not high all the time. When I take it in the morning it's normal. Later in the day with work stress and hotflashes I think make it go up much higher. I have a really stressful job. I tell my dr. all this and she disagrees with it being related to menopause. So now she wants me to monitor my bp several times a day or in the middle of the day. Like I'm going to lug my bp. monitor with me to work everyday. I would say if its high all the time, you should get it checked out, you may need to be on some bp. medication, but if its slightly elevated later in the day, then it's probably being brought on from fluctuating hormones and stress combined. That's my theory anyway.
We all kind of have to monitor and treat our own symptoms when it comes to peri. It's one area I found most drs. don't know anything about.
Hang in there.
Lotti1966 d19606
Unfortunately high blood pressure at any time lasting for a long period of time even if it fluctuates is very bad for you.
It can put a strain on your heart and cause congestive heart failure.
Monitor it and if it continues to be high (upper # over 130 or lower # over 90) let your Dr know.
It won't hurt to get it checked out.
I have always had low pressure and after my hysterectomy it would be high whenever I went to the DR.
I bought a cuff and it's been fine. White coat syndrome they call it.
d19606 Lotti1966
Lotti1966 d19606
worried now dont know weather to exersise more or if it will give me a heart attak lol.
i have put weight on more in the past say five months, but mainly around my tummy a few inches im thinking menoporse has done it. can meno cause high blood presure.
i was sat quite carm in drs so i wasnt worried or anything so dont know why it was high, im worried sick my dad died of a stroke and all his pkipin family did to exept a brother had heart attac and his dad did to. but he came from big family of brother s and sisters and all exept one brother had stokes.its just so scary and being in meno i just think im going to die all time of somthing as i feel so crap all time with everything else