High Blood Pressure
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Hello all,
I have suddenly developed high blood pressure. I have always had very good blood pressure reading whether at home or at the doctor's office. Recently, within the past few months I've developed high blood pressure. I'm going to have blood work done next week to check my electrolyte levels but I'm wondering if this may have something to do with perimenopause?
I'll be 52 next week and I'm still having fairly regular periods. I've only gone twice where I went 55 days in between. I've been in perimenopause for the past 7 years. This is getting ridiculous. I wish my periods would just stop. I'm getting too old for this nonsense.
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debra16694 jane66356
hi jane - my blood pressure got high when i stopped menstruating @ 55 years old. i thought it had to do with caring for my ailing parents, but now i am convinced this whole menopause thing wrecks havoc on everything - now my glucose/insulin is getting elevated - i am a very healthy eater, i just dont exercise like i should because i have felt like crap for so long - my gp says its age, but i dont buy that because my Mom lived to 96 & didnt battle these issues - if you have to go on a BP Rx, just dont let them put you on amlodipine - i was on it - nasty side effects, there is a forum just dedicated to all the people complaining about it -
kelle34850 debra16694
I've been on amlodipine for the past 6 months and it really helped me feel better. I couldn't tolerate losinipril. I'm 42 and developed high blood pressure out of no where. I tried for year to get it down with natural meds but that did nothing. I am thin and eat healthy and excercise! I gave up and got on the meds and it helped me immediately feel better which I was surprised because I didn't think blood pressure caused you to feel bad or any symptoms. it's called the silent killer. but my dr says she hears it all the time. I'm glad I am on the meds!
debra16694 kelle34850
hi kelle - yes, i agree with you that for some people amlodipine works wonders, but for others, not so much. i was on it for 5 years and felt no side effects until a year into taking it, but did not put it together that it was the amlodipine that was causing my issues. i think unfortunately, that is how it goes with Rx's, some people tolerate some drugs better than others. Just look at this forum and read about how some woman can tolerate HRT and anti depressants and some cannot etc. My mistake was that i just blindly took the drug, never researched the possible side effects and then happened upon a whole forum just dedicated to people taking amlodipine & their symptoms. i will say that amlodipine & menopause symptoms seem very similar, so i wasnt sure which one was causing my horrendous issues, but when my feet and ankles ballooned to the point i couldnt put on shoes i knew it was the amlodipine - i am not suggesting this will happen to you, just be aware of the side effects -
Marinab jane66356
Hi Jane,
You probably already have one but a BP monitor is helpful. I find the my BP flutuates over the month and during the day and isn't consistently high. It is typically lower when I wake up then goes up during the day especially after I eat frozen meals or chips. I agree that there is some hormone that is increasing BP although I'm not sure which one. My BP went up when I was on the pill so whatever that combo is must create something similar to menopause.
I took Lisinopril and didn't have any side effects. My mother takes Amlopidine and tolerates it well.
I don't know if exercise will help. I think high BP is hereditary and there are big benefits to taking medication. If so, better to find best med rather than beating yourself up for not exercising enough. My dad was on it until he passed away at 88 and my mom has also been on it for years and is 91.I am a big believer in BP and cholesterol meds because I see how they extend length and quality of life,My grandparents died in their 60s and 70s but seeing my parents who never really exercised and enjoyed high fat foods, live so long is all the proof I need.
Good luck!
Carolyn09280 jane66356
I feel like I have been experience peri since age 42. Everything went to s**t. I was recently diagnosed with hypoglycemia but never had this before. Dr. says just eat more protein and eat often. No explanation. I read that peri might have something to do with this which might explain your all of a sudden high blood pressure. I have also been getting chest pain. Got it all checked out and all came back fine. So strange and annoying. I am now 44 going on 45 and not looking forward to another 10 years of this!!!