High blood pressure

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hello ladies

i want to share what has helped me with crazy inconsistent HP. my hormones fluctuate and so do my HP numbers.

hibiscus tea helps almost immediately.


cayanne pepper

dandilion root.

dont drink alcohol a few days before you start and during your period.

thats what has helped me.

love to all

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Christine,

    Did you have probs with raised BP before?

    Sorry I dont know how old you are. Im 58 now, nearly 2 years post meno but im still taking amlo-concor to maintain my BP. It all started when I was in peri and had bleedings. Hypertension, I was told. Its manageable now but Im just wondering, the doctors are quick to give medications. maybe I can do without?

    Are you managing your BP?

    All the best.

    • Posted

      i am 49. I usually hover around 130/95 but this last year i have noticed my BP goes up when i ovulate and right before my period it gets very high. i dont want to take medication, and i hate giving up my wine. but i am determined to not let perimeopause ruin me and my life.

  • Posted

    Thanks.... I just took mine today and it was 140/90 which is pretty consistent.. Trying so hard to get to 120.I take all kinds of supplements even magnesium to help.. I use cinnamon a lot and have that tea in my cabinet. I'm trying beet juice and just started turmeric a few days ago for inflammation in my foot but could help BP. I guess losing 20 pounds would help too!! : )

  • Posted

    same here my bp goes up few days before my periods and then during ovulation. goes upto 140/90. i also drink hibiscus tea which i make fresh with lemon and honey. will try with cinnamon too. last year my homeo doc gave me a medicine which contained nitric oxide. those two months were awesome. i think we should take supplements which has nitric oxide in it. found in beetroot and dark leafy greens like spinach and arugula.relaxes the inner muscles of your blood vessels, causing the vessels to widen, increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure. 😃

    • Posted

      UGH yes mine won't budge. I have spinach and cinnamon most days. I also put some beet powder in smoothie too. I'll try to drink tea everday too.. Maybe in a few months it will be lower.. I hope,, : ) Both my parents started HB meds inn their 60's so I could be doomed no matter what I do.

  • Posted

    Well that is weird because my BP wants to hang around the 140/90 number as does my mother's even though she is on medication.

  • Posted

    Hi Christine,, my blood pressure was always perfect at 120/80 then I hit peri I am 53 still in peri since 47 right off my blood pressure went up and my blood sugar at the same time,, its still up my blood sugar went kinda back after time,, right now I am doing a log on blood pressure and it goes up and down constantly up to as high as 150/60 I have the med to take and don't want to take it,, I do wine like 3 days a week and I stopped to see if willgo down, Im sad that this peri has to change everything,,, xxxx

    • Posted

      keep a log of you BP everyday, you will notice the changes when you ovulate and before you start. i am sure ther is a connection with hormones and HP . i wish the doctors would help us instead of medicad us. why should i take a medicine with side effects for HBP 1/2 of the month???

  • Posted

    My BP is around 160 over 115 for a couple days now... The same this morning too.. exercised a little and did some deep breathing.. Petting my cat, etc... now it's the normal 140 over 90... what's going on- is this because my period is due? I mentioned my numbers to someone and they said get to a Dr fast- the 160 is dangerous. I really hate this.. I blame anxiety too. I have some rose hibiscus tea that I will drink now to see if it goes lower.

  • Posted

    this is the issue ive been having for a few years now im on BP meds but my BP will go higher on cycle and around ovulation week. any other time it stays normal maybe goes alittle too low at times. this scares me to death i never had high BP til i started this journey does anyone notice when your BP is elevated your face is staying flushed? mine seema to stay flushed with the raised BP and it's always ovulation week or cycle time. wish i was through all this already its driving me literally crazy.

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