High blood pressure
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Hi i was asked by my dr to check my blood pressure using the machine in the reception. i went friday evening and my first reading was 171/78 2nd was 149/77 and 3rd 111/61 these were all taken within 3 minuets. could being anxious cause it to be that high?
i tried again yesterday and it was 151/80 then 120/70 . i used a friends machine at home and got 117/80.
ive ordered a machine so i can check it myself but im really worried about that first number. i gave the receptionist the lowest number on friday now i think im wrong and should have given them all.
im 34 diagnosed type 2 diabetic last year but having lost 4 stone and changed my eating and exercise habits im now in remission.
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Lolasmom Bakebeans
This always happens to me. White coat syndrome.
My bp is always high at the doctors.My doctor asked me to take my bp at home and then bring in the results. Clearly was from anxiety being there.
It is important to sit quietly for 5 minutes prior, and wait 5 minutes between next reading.
You should be sitting with your back upright and have your feet flat on the floor.
It amazes me how wrong these readings are done in doctors office.
Bakebeans Lolasmom
thank you so much for replying to me. I hope that when my machine arrives ill get some good readings, just trying not to worry about it in the mean time though i was awake with a panic attack about it at 3am.
i know when i first used it my back wasnt upright i was slouching forwards a little, could that give a higher reading?
Lolasmom Bakebeans
I think the most important factor is that you have sat quietly for atleast 5 min. prior to taking your reading. And also have your feet flat on the floor.
You will be just fine. I think alot of it is anxiety provoked.
Keep us posted how you do with your home monitor
Bakebeans Lolasmom
Thank you. My monitor arrived yesterday and ive seen a range of numbers so im gonna give it a day or 2 before i start recording them seriously.
I have a daft question. Why do you have to sit quietly and relax to get an accurate reading? Im rushing around on my feet all day bending and lifting, im assuming that will raise my blood pressure so wouldn't i get a more accurate reading as soon as i sit down?
Lolasmom Bakebeans
You are right. Your blood pressure will go up when doing things. But that is not an accurate measurement. Your normal bp is when you have sat and rested before.
When you are rushing around, exercising or whatever, you bp should be up. Just like when you are anxious, or stressed
Bakebeans Lolasmom
Thank you. I checked yesterday after work and my best results were 105/57 and this morning first thing 103/53 . Irritating thing is my machine keeps showing an error every few uses, i hope its accurate, ill send it back and see what the new one says.
jason1098 Bakebeans
You need a resting Blood Pressure because you are looking for a baseline.
BP going up when you've run up the stairs or stressed is to be expected, by taking time to relax and allowing it to drop as low as you can get it provides as near as possible to a controlled set of circumstances . If you BP is through the roof when you're relaxed then it's time to make some changes, whether they are dietary, exercise or medication is a discussion between you and your GP but 105/57 is if anything on the low side so I wouldn't worry too much about that aspect of things.
Keep a note of the readings over a week or two and look at the trends and average to get a better idea of where you are.
jason1098 Bakebeans
When you took the readings in your GPs surgery you had not been resting prior to taking the reading, you were in a relatively high stress environment and you didn't give your body time to relax between the readings. All that said (and I stress here that I am not a doctor) I wouldn't be desperately upset with those numbers.
When you get your machine at home it's worth taking a set of readings twice a day, morning and evening.
Allow yourself a chance to relax, take three readings and use the "best" set. Record it over a couple of weeks. If you've got access to excel or something similar it's worth using that to create a graph, you can then see the trend and can disregard any outliers whether they be excessively high or excessively low.
Above all don't worry, normal blood pressure in a man of your age is anything below 120/80 according to the NHS web site (google is your friend) and the last reading you took in the surgery is well within this range, you've already taken a massive step in looking after yourself by losing weight and taking more exercise and you should allow yourself some pride in shedding 25Kg
Bakebeans jason1098
Thank you for the kind response. I was super anxious on friday before the reading i was worried about the drive there (new car so wasnt familiar with it) then just felt very uncomfortable whilst at the drs. My machine should arrive today so ill monitor things for a few days and see what happens.
Im a mum to a wonderful little girl who im terrified of leaving so i have no choice but to get myself into gear and look after myself.
joshuapryce1987 Bakebeans
I believe anxiety brings the heart rate up high. It a common symptom of anxiety. As a diabetic its good to stay off the sugar.