High Blood Pressure and Symptoms?

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I was first diagnosed with high blood pressure at the acupuncturist around six months ago and then subsequently the doctors approx 159/107. I was started on Ramipril 5mg and now combined with Amlopidine 5mg and I am still feeling no better. Today I feel like I've been punched in the jaw but no chest pains and just a touch of light headiness. I know that the doctor will now have to increase my dosage or put something else in the mix and I am miserable as sin. I had a lot of bereavement and other issues recently which is when I first started to feel poorly, although the stress has passed a little emotionally, I'm now an anxiety ridden wreck. Every pain or twitch I imagine is going to lead to a stroke or heart attack. The doctors can't work out why I have HBP as I am slim and 47 with a healthy diet, however he did ask me how much I drank, and I was fairly honest, not much in the week but can certainly drink a bottle or red on a Saturday which appauled him. There are 10 units in that, you can't save them up you know he yelled..I don't think it was that bad rolleyes

Anyway, I do feel this is all down to anxiety but the HBP remains and I'm not sure what to do next, I feel like a walking time bomb. Everytime my BP is taken the nurse/doctors purse their lips and up the dosage. I'm just off for hypnotherapy in a bit to give that a whirl, though the hypnotherapist herself mentioned she has HBP so not holding out much hope.

Any advice/guidance would be welcomed, I'm not sure where to turn next. I know this in not the worse set of circumstances but I do feel a bit lost.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Yep, I can tell u what the problem is...Amlopidine for sure. I was put on that 5 months ago. I became so depressed, headaches, palpitations you name it , I had it. I thought I was going nuts. I took myself off it and raised the Hyperdix to one pill rather than half. Started taking quinoa © chia, raw oats, raw pure cocoa, threw the salted butter out, all the salt out , started 15 mins of exercises a day.... My blood pressure now is 110/75 most days, I've lost two kilos in 10 days, no more medication side effects and I've never felt better . I looked up Amlopidine and read that most people who have taken it suffer severely from side effects as I did. Unfortunately most BP medication give side effects ( though not as bad as Amlopidine) it's just a matter of time till your body adjusts. I now have put myself on half a Hyperdix in the morning and half at night. Why did I do that: because I monitor myself and can see when the BP is under control and at what times.,it seemed to be low during the day and high at night. So halved the pill and now my BP is normal day and night. And now since two weeks it's like heaven on a stick. All is under control and I will stick to my special diet to maintain my BP at a good level . I do hope u will get better., perhaps u haven't been prescribed the right medication that suits u... And u also have to have patience . But definitely I would not take Ampolidine .......all the best and I hope u can get through this as I did.
    • Posted

      Yep, I've read so many things about Amlopodine. I do certainly have a reaction within about half an hour of taking it. It's definitely not made things better only worse. Back at the doctors on Tuesday so will see about a change. The anxiety is rubbish, I'm sure I didn't bawl my eyes out daily before I started taking it, it's like PMS times 10.
  • Posted

    Pain in the jaw can be a symptom of a heart attack.  Maybe you should go to the emergency room or clinic.

    When you come back home again, either way, stop panicking,  breathe, and when you can, do yoga, tai chi, and go for walks and look at the flowers and the birdies.  All these calm things help you feel A LOT better.  (I am over 50 and have begun to worry more about strokes, etc. myself).

    • Posted

      Very hard to say stop panicking. Even if Maz did have panic attacks the medication she is on triple folds it. It is poisonous.

      I tried breathing exercises when I was on it... Nothing helped . She has to get another medication.

      Of course along with medication, diet, no salt and either yoga and exercises and deep breathing are the best things for you to maintain a healthy heart. I have never felt better since I put myself onto a boring but healthy way of living.....

    • Posted

      I think I feel as bad as I ever did, not sure why I seem to have symptoms with blood pressure when most people don't seem to, the drugs maybe making it worse but I certainly had symptoms before I started taking them too. I bizarrely have just been speaking to someone that used to sell the drug Ampolidine and she insists it is a really clean drug, (no idea what that means btw). I am in the UK and the humidity is very intense at the moment which I'm not sure is helping. The grieving and everything else mixed in is making me very complex I think to sort out. I have a doctor friend and she has suggested I ask them to check my thyroid again, as it was borderline at Christmas and all the stress may have exacerbated it.
    • Posted

      OH U POOR OLD CHOOK...I DO FEEL FOR YOU. medication reacts differently from person to person. and also can take awhile to settle and rid the side effects. for me and many others I read on the internet, I was about to slit my wrists with that medication....two days after I stopped all was fine. and as I said I had Hyperdix to take its place. do u watch your BP and is it under control and do u take another medication or only Ampolidine?

      You know a lot depends on U....u have to slowly unwind and let all those unhappy greiving thoughts sink into the back of your mind. I suffer from anxiety but for some unknown reason for the first time in years since I started this health kick and since my BP is under control, my anxiety also is not as bad...in fact almost good. First of all u have to get the BP under control and the side effects over and done with...a lot of this medication can make u depressed and exasabate your situation .........I know everyone says....exercise. I hate exercise but its true, it does help big time....low impacts for 15 mins, a run around the block, or taking the stairs rather than the lift.

      next is diet......im taking every morning, Qunoa, chia, raw oats and a banana on top, salmon and veggies, an avocado every few days no sweets, salt and processed fats...that too has made me better. way better......i have energy, BP is down, not anxious. I might be ranting and raving but it all worked for me.....Im an Aussie living in Bangkok. Its 37 every day all day all year with a feel like of 40 to 45...humidty can knock the socks of u and certainly doesnt help. But bare with it..get yourself sorted out and as we say in OZ...

      SETTLE PETAL....lololol

  • Posted

    Yes Maz I can assure u it is that horrible Ampolidine . I suffer from anxiety but in a small way, when on the dreadful medication honestly I was sick as a dog. Three months of hell. I just took myself of them as long as I had another medication and all was fine...

    I don't know what country u are in but don't let the Drs make u believe it's not the medication. It is.... And u have to give the medication time to work and your body time to get used to the medication but not Ampolidine..... No way Jose.

  • Posted

    Amlodipine does stink.  It can give you chest pains and a cough that won't go away while you are on it.  An overactive Thyroid can raise your BP and make you feel anxious.  I have experience with both.  

    I have found that Apple Cider Vinegar -- the unfiltered kind with the "mother" on the bottom -- can help me feel calm and lower my 210/110 BP a touch (to around 187/101

    at best).  I actually take the pills because they are easier, but when I drank it, I would mix 1 spoonful ACV and 1/2 spoonful honey in a cup of warm water.  If you can get past the smell, it's nice.

    You really still might want to check out a cardiologist.  That pain in the jaw worries me.    It could be allergies/sinuses, but I always figure better safe than sorry.

    It also helps us if we know your sex, height, weight, and age(ish)

    • Posted

      Am I reading things wrongly Getting old.... Did u say your BP is 187/100. Can't u find the correct medication to lower it. Shoot that would freak me out. I thought mine was high but now it's too low 95/68 tonight. I think the mix of medication and all these foods I'm taking to lower the BP is toooo much. I will have to go back to the Docs and most likely lower the already low medication. Tonight I'm a little light headed. But when my BP was up at 170/95 I had headaches galore every day. I could actually feel my BP up.I hope u can get yours down.... Have you tried quinoa and chia ( every day) avocados and salmon etc etc

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