high blood pressure readings
Posted , 7 users are following.
Been taking readings over last four days due to agonising headaches...readings are continuously over 190/123...heart rate reading 103 at rest. I am 42. Any advice?
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Been taking readings over last four days due to agonising headaches...readings are continuously over 190/123...heart rate reading 103 at rest. I am 42. Any advice?
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lyn12345 debbie39903
its much more common than GPs think and they are v uneducated on the matter in my experience. Get to a kidney or endocrinology specialist.
Good luck x
derek76 debbie39903
Have you taken your BP at home previously or is it a new monitor?
It is just as easy to be stressed when taking your BP at home as it is in a hospital or surgery. It is resting BP that is needed but I expect that you know that and sit quietly for a good five minutes before taking it. Also take three reading over a ten minute period and use the average.
A GP I had said that BP does not cause headaches but stress does. A nurse told me otherwise
alexays debbie39903
lyn12345 debbie39903
MrsO-UK_Surrey debbie39903
amsjo debbie39903
derek76 amsjo
I had several kidney tests last year when trying to get on the renal denervation trials at my local hospital. I had Kidney X-Ray, ultrasound scan and did a 24 hour urine collection sampling. At the end of that they said that my kidneys were in good order but my Average BP was low enough not to make me a suitable candidate. They don't care what your highs are provided some drops during the day bring down the average.
I persuaded my GP to refer me to one of the only four Hypertension referral centres in the South of England. My first appointment is in June for kidney tests. I'm going to write to advise them of the tests I have already had to save repetition.
The trouble is that each area health authority seemingly cannot access their neighbours records. I once had two echocardiograms in the same week. One for the local cardiologist and the other for the surgeon who had done my aortic valve replacement. When I protested they said that they liked to do their own.
lyn12345 derek76
Something is causing your BP to spike so averages are irrelvant, you need to find the cause of the spikes. These are very often hormone driven. A good endocrinologist should investigate your adrenal glands.
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
I'd be interested to know where the hypertension referral centre is in the the south - I'm in the south east. Is the denervation trial to which you refer where they 'burn off' the nerves to the kidneys? If so, that's what a friend of mine in Australia had done a few years ago - I think the very first trial was there. She still has to take BP meds but at least now they control the BP whereas previously they had no effect. I have just a sole kidney and have been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, so that in itself might be the reason for my high BP but it's a helluva job finding meds to suit me as I seem to be very sensitive to most of them, and some of them aren't good for my kidney situation.
That's a crazy situation where different health authorities can't obtain records from each other, therefore putting the patient through unnecessary testing (not to mention the cost when they're strapped for cash!). I hope you don't have to go through unnecessary X-rays especially - you don't need more of those than absolutely necessary. Good luck.
derek76 MrsO-UK_Surrey
The renal denervation programme has been stopped for re-evaluation as it has not given the hoped for results but has not resulted in harm to patients . I had previously tried to get on the programme at Imperial College and initially at Barts. Again I was told that my average was not high enough but at least they diagnosed my aortic stenosis.
It is still being looked as a treatment for heart failure.
MrsO-UK_Surrey derek76
amsjo derek76
Hope all goes well in June
lubyj2 debbie39903
So I agree with the others on here that said to check with the doctor asap. It's better to error on the safe side, since high blood pressure could cause stroke.
Take care!
derek76 lubyj2
The first doctor I asked said that if he did that there would be a queue all the way from his surgery to the hospital.
angela68374 debbie39903