High BP pills have worsened by kidney function

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Just had results of latest blood tests today following the introduction of an additional pill for my high blood pressure 3 weeks ago.  Three of the tests on the blood have come back reading even more abnormal than the test done 3 months ago.  My sodium levels have reduced from normal, urea and creatinine have increased to a higher "abnorma" and my eGFR kidney function has reduced from 47 to 39 in just 3 weeks on the additional pill - a diuretic called Indapamide.  Needless to say that will be stopped from tomorrow, and I'm so glad as I've been feeling more and more fatigued and finding it difficult to put one leg in front of the other, apparently due to my reduced sodium levels.  Just crossing everything that things will improve after stopping these pills. 

The whole reason for trying to get my high blood pressure down was to stop the pressure from aggravating my sole kidney function - unfortunately all the medication I've tried has had the opposite effect and whereas my kidney function was originally low but stable, it is now further deteriorating.

Just crossing everything that things will improve after stopping this latest pill.....better still that a magic forumla can be found for high blood pressure!  

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4 Replies

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    Hello Mrs O, really so sorry to hear your experience. I'm afraid I have nothing to say that may help, just that I often feel  that medications seem to have further adverse effects rather than improving a condition. But I have always thought it was just me with a strange reaction to these things. Sometimes makes me wonder if the initial underlying cause has been missed?? especially when so many other people seem to get along fine & actually improve with the same meds. There seem to be a few different causes for hypertension but after a certain age I get the impression it seems taken for granted that it's assumed it's down to us leading an unhealthy lifestyle that's caught up with us. It was interesting to see Stuart's comments recently about his doctor putting him completely on the wrong meds which was picked up when he eventually saw a specialist. I have hated meds of any sort as I do wonder what the chemicals are doing to our bodies but so far cannot find any alternate remedies etc that are helpful, so I've just gone off the ramipril & bendroflumethiazide & on to Losartan potassium & pray this will work with no adverse effects to my health & actually bring my readings down. It would be wonderful if we had lots of specialist diagnostic centres for various conditions, perhaps it would, in the end, save so much time, stress & money for all concerned. Still that will remain at the top of my wish list & dream world. I hope your latest pill does the trick & you improve very soon, and join you in the wish for a magic formula to be found for curing/preventing high blood pressure for all. best wishes Sue
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      Thanks, Sue.  Feeling much better after 5 days off the diuretic, and so grateful tha dreadful fatigue has gone and my legs feel more as though they belong to me.

      Still on just the Losartan but doubt it's controlling my BP on its own - the consultant said it wouldn't, and I'm putting off taking it!!  Will post how I get with regard to the abnormal blood test redings following the next blood test in about 3 weeks time.  Fingers, toes and eyes crossed!

  • Posted

    I read something the other day about a substance produced by the adrenal glands that controls blood pressure.  Maybe you are low on this substance causing the sky high blood pressure.


    • Posted

      I did post a reply to you yesterday Richard but it seems to have disappeared.  Anyway, many thanks for your suggestion - there could be something in it as until 2 years ago I was on steroids for 6+ years following being diagnosed with an inflammatory rheumatic condition.......the steroids suppress the adrenal glands, although I'm not sure about any particular substance involved. 

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