High calprotectin .
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hi . ive recently had high calprotectin .1800,900,1550. ive alos had low b12 under 44 twice .then after injections 800 then 240 and 252 .
ive had an endoscopy and colonoscopy . the endoscopy showed a small hernia and active and inactive chronic gastritis .the colonoscopy didnt show anything but they took biopsies as my calprotectin was so high . awaiting results from them . im at a loss to know whats going on as high calprotectin is for IBD.
my initial doctors appointment was for stomach cramps and bloating and being sick sometimes . since having b12 my tummy has improved though .
im still having symptoms of low b12 . joint pain,numb feet ,tinatus ,tiredness and brain fog . ive also in the past had mouth ulcers .
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mary19068 jonathan2312
Hi johnathan2312
You need to bring your b12 back up....how old are you?..if you are over 55yrs b12 from food and supplements will not absorb through your digestive system due lack of the protein Intrinsic Factor which diminshes as we get older...so you will need injections to bring up yr b12. If over 55yrs your b12 levels should be between 500-900. If you are a young person start taking b12 supplements or get b12 patches online..Once your b12 is back up to normal levels things should improve alot...
jonathan2312 mary19068
i was 50 last year . i had the loading doses of b12 and ive had a top up injection
mary19068 jonathan2312
Hi johnathan2312
I assume you have top up of b12 every three months. This is the usual procedure. When you have your top up you will feel alot better as will your tum i would imagine, if your stomach improved after your last b12 top up. Wait for your top up and see what happens and take it from there.👍😊....
pippa58442 jonathan2312
What did your doctor say about your high calprotectin? If your stomach is better after taking B12, treatment, it would suggest low b12 has been part of your problem.
jonathan2312 pippa58442
doctor just sent me for endoscopy and colonoscopy which i had yesterday. cant understand why calprotectin so high as everything ive read indicates inflamation like crohns or uc
pippa58442 jonathan2312
Your colonoscopy results should tell your doctor why your calprotectin is so high; that is why your doctor sent you for this procedure. Your doctor should be able to explain this to you once you get your results and you go for your follow up appointment. Googling reasons will not give you accurate information for your particular case. Google only gives general information. Doing this will only increase your anxiety. Calmly wait for your results and your doctor's diagnosis which will give you an accurate picture of what could be causing your high calprotectin. Only these two things will give you the answers you are looking for.