high crp and gastritis

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i am feeling very weak last 5 weeks and closest way to explain it is similar to severe hunger most of the day and shaky. Any walking or stairs can make me breathless and very tired. Plus very bad brain fog.

So far we think its gastiritis because i had previously the pylori bacteria . But still waiting stool sample test . But the bloods returned with high CRP of 20 ngL which 5 is the max . My folate is 3.9 and b12 is 275 which both on the very lower end. Is this low enough to feel so dizzy and unwell?

I am also concerned about my Crp why is it so high?! can it be because i had a cold on the day?! or maybe my stomach infection! or worse!?

any one similar experience ?

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13 Replies

  • Edited

    Sounds to me more like anemia , low blood sugar or low blood pressure. If you had blood work up they would have told you if you were anemic. You can go to Walmart and get a cheap blood sugar monitor. Gastritis can cause shortness of breath. Also sometimes other illnesses go hand and had with gastric issues. Weakness is a symptom of so many things.

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    Hi zeena34610

    Yes your low folate and B12 will make you feel dizzy, lethargic and unwell. Your high CRP C-Reactive Protein indicates inflammation in the body possibly due to an infection or a cold. ...Haven't you started to take B12 supplements? ....

    • Posted

      yes been days on it but not sure what dose. i took b12 -100 ng. Also bought folic as its on the very low end till i see gp next week.

      i feel its them causing the excess weakness. But will confirm soon and update here . Thanks all for the input.

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    Has your doctor explained your test results to you? If he hasn't ask for a follow up appointment to get answers to your questions.

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      yea will go back just waiting for the stool sample results to come back. so its one discussion.

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      Maybe the stool sample will show something.

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    Hi zeena

    High levels of CRP is usually around 10.0 and over would indicate inflammation. If your is 5.0 it is slightly raised....did you have your ESR tested as well Erythrocite Sedimentation Rate blood tested too? if this is high as well as CRP this also indicates inflammation...

    • Edited

      Hi zeena34610

      If CRP 20 then that is on the high end. As i said it could be inflammation from your cold or your gastritis. I would say the gastritis.... and gastritis does make you feel hungry all the time...hope the folate and B12 makes you feel better. were you at anytime taking omerprazole or any other PPI because that will stop the absorption of B12.....

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      yes i hope so too and nothing more serious.

      I was on omeprazole on off last yr and last month for hunger feeling. I will take the vitamins hopefully they will sort my anemia symptoms tooooo scary and badddd!

      Also i will follow up for the gastiritis and bacteria issue . Thanks for your support

    • Edited

      Hi zeena

      No worries...happy to be of some help and support...👍👌

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