High CRP marker
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Hi I've been feeling poorly for quite a while. Went to Drs and he said I had an ear infection. Took antibiotics then still felt ill. I've had a pressure feeling in my head just around my right ear. I've had a few falls where for no apparent reason I've just fallen backwards (it's always backwards I fall). I have been getting very share pains in my my big toes and chest pains that are worse when I'm laying down. Dr run a few blood tests then the next day he called me saying my crp marker is 108 and should be under 5, He said I must have an infection in my body Yet I've just finished a course of antibiotics. I have an appointment with a rheumatologist in 4 weeks. But I've been getting progressively worse, I'm finding if I go out and it's warm then it causes me massive weakness, I have this weird rash appear on my cheeks and across my nose and now my legs are not working properly they feel weird when I walk like my knees aren't working with them. I still have this chest pain. I worry too because I'm recovering from cancer but my Dr assured me the crp marker is nothing to do with cancer. I'm just not sure I can put up with this pain for another 4 weeks until i get seen. Ive never had to rely on anyone and yet some days I can't even walk so a friend has been taking my children to school, I never even did that throughout all my chemos for cancer .. but this is like I'm in some sort of flare up I'll have a good day then suddenly bam it's like I've been hit by a bus and can't do anything for days. Does anyone have any idea what could be going on. My mother and my Aunt have Lupus.
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Superitchy KellyH74
Can you have your dermotologist or general practitioner run some more blood tests? That's what mine did while I was waiting for my rheumotologist apt. The more information he/she has, the quicker you can get the ball rolling. I'm surprised they haven't tested you sooner knowing it runs in your family. Mine was trickier since I'm the only one in my family, that we know of, that has it.
lilian05079 KellyH74
The rash across your nose you are presenting with sounds ike a typical butterfly rash that presents with lupus.....have you been tested for inflammation in the body via an ESR blood test a CRP blood test and ANA blood test wich have to be tested together to test for inflammation.....also a dsDNA test, if positive, will be definitive for lupus....the sun will affect lupus sufferers so try and keep in the shade....also you will get pain and fatigue and flare-ups......try and hang in there until you see the rheumatologist and be sure to mention the butterfly rash and ask about the dsDNA blood test......my very best wishes to you for a speedy diagnosis and treatment.....