High d dimer levels

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So I ended up in the er with shortness of breath and light headed, they ran some blood work and said my d dimer was high. the levels was 710. I guess they are supposed to be 0 to 399 idk im not a doctor anyways d dimer checks for clots they did a CT on my chest said I had no blood clots but qhy would my levels be so high? they sent me home said nothing was wrong with me and I am having a hard time accepting that I do suffer from really bad anxiety but I have just been feeling off the past week or so any ideas?

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2 Replies

  • Posted

    you could follow up with your family doctor and ask those questions. Doesn’t sound like the hospital told you very much. they could have explained it a little more. it’s good that they didn’t see any clots and I couldn’t imagine them sending you home if there was actually something wrong. But if it were me I would follow up with my primary care doctor and get some answers.

  • Posted

    Hey, I had a d dimer test done a few months ago for chest pain. It was 750 so they did a ct scan that came back normal. I was still worried but the doctor said there has been talk to move the normal number up to 1000 because technically for clots anything under 1000 is low risk for them.

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