High fsh and had a period

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Hi I had blood test done as in menopause...came back as 60....as I couldn't remember when my last period was and suggested about a year gp was so scary saying I had to have a scan as strong possibility could be cancer......i left feeling so frightened.....the next day I found my old diary and realised I had a period 10 months ago......called surgery but was told I should still have scan.....i thought it was a year without a bleed before something had to be done....im going abroad on Sat so no scan booked yet......any advice please as I'm freaking out and don't want my holiday to be ruined xc

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    I can well understand your anxiety.  But, your doctor is being careful on your behalf.  There is no "set" time actually when a scan should be ordered.  So your doctor did the right thing.  Usually, if problems are caught early they can be resolved.  Your doctor may be concerned that you have too much estrogen for a menopausal woman.  

    After a CT scan in 2014, ordered by my gastroenterologist, one of the radiologist's remarks was that I had a small cyst on one of my ovaries.  He didn't seem concered about it, and neither did my gastro.  My endocrinologist was.  She told me that the cyst showed that I was stil excreting too much estrogen for a woman in menopause, and she'd refer me to an ob/gyn.  Well, we got to talking and I felt uneay, but promptly forgot when I left the appointment.

    I started spotting in April 2016.  Diagnosed with endometrial cancer in July and had a complete hysterectomy the week after I was diagnosed.  I was at stage 1A, so no radiation or chemo necessary.  How I wish I would have paid more attention to what my endocrinologist said and reminded her about the referral to the ob/gyn.  

    Right now you're in an excellent position to address your situation.  Hopefully, nothing untoward has happened.  Book your scan now and take your holiday--try not to let fear govern your life, but take practical steps to preserve it too.

    Good luck to you, and let me know how you get on. xx

  • Posted

    The first thing I want you to do is calm down a bit and realize ALL of this is very normal!!!!!

    My periods spaced out, first two months, then three, then six months, until they finally stoppped.  But not having regular period doesn't mean your ovaries aren't stll producing some estrogen. Rarely does a woman stop regular periods and have ZERO estrogen.  It tapers, slowly over time.  

    Your high FSH reading just means that your brain is trying to encourage your ovaries to make more estrogen.  Yes, they are failing and your FSH is screaming.  But it's not uncommon for a women to have a random period such as this.  I've known women who have several years after they were "in menopause".  Obviously you will want to get your uterus checked out.  But don't be surprised when things check out fine, and this random period was your last hoorah never to be seen again.  

    Sorry your doctor was so blunt and scary.  Nothing wrong with him saying, "well lets check it out."  You can do a vaginal ultrasound, and biopsy.  Both of which I have done, and neither were that bad, with results coming back fine.  

    It would be great if you could get this behind you before your vacation.  If not, get it booked before you leave and then just go and have a good time and try to forget about it till you get home.  

  • Posted

    Yes I can relate. It's all too scary when you haven't bled for a long time, and then suddenly you start again. Mine seemed to be based on weather. Seemed to go about every 6 months, this was 3 years ago mind you,. It would usually start in like April or May just when the weather was warmer, and then ended in September or October til next April or May same pattern.

    Then I went 13 mos. without. Got a period, and got it 2 months into it then stopped. Been period free almost 2 years. Bam got it again. Talk about scared and in pist meno. now. Got checked out more. They found 3 very small fibroids. No cancer, nothing else on my scans, or MRI, so my OB said they will shrink over time since I'm in post now. No need for surgery. Periods stopped again knock on wood.

    So try not to worry, could be a fibroid or non-cancetous cyst. 9 times out of 10 they are not cancerous. Get checked out for peace of mind, but don't stress out thinking it's cancer. Usually, it's other things more minor that can cause hormone fluctuations too.

    Think positive. I know you are going to be OK too.

    • Posted

      It's so weird the flushes had stopped about a month before I bled....i knew I was going to have a period as I felt the same as always when I was due on....it was a normal period .....now the flushes are gradually appearing again...i read that the fsh test should be done around the third day of your period....mine was done a week and half after.....so not sure that the reading was actually correct....before this period i had a 8 month gap so I'm hoping it's just my body having a last fling! I hate anything medical so really don't like idea of scans and anything else the doc might have in mind...lol ....xx

  • Posted

    Oh geez.  I am sorry you are going through this.  Keep us updated on how it all goes.  ((Hugs))

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