High FSH Level
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I’m 47 and have been experiencing irregular periods for about 5 years. My Gyno ordered an FSH test that came back 53.2, she then ordered an TVUS because I had slight discharge a month prior. After TVUS, the Dr that was in there during the exam told me everything looked good (e.g ovaries, strip was 4.2) and it looked like I had a follicle or cyst on right ovary. I asked him did this mean I might be having a period and he said I could. I’m so confused!! My FSH is in the post menopause range. My last period was 7-24-2017. I’ve had 4 periods this year. Any one with similar situation?
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lynda20916 dawnm1970
I can understand why you're concerned. Your strip should be at 4 or lower, but she might be giving you a little lee way. I had a CT scan that showed a small non-functional cyst in 2015. My gastroenterologist wasn't worried and neither was the radiologist. My endocrinologist looked at me and told me shouldn't have enough hormones to stimulate production of any kind of a cyst. I was 66. But the guys didn't seem worried, so I didn't do anything else. Let it ride.
In 2016 diagnosed with endometrial cancer (thank you, too many hormones). Had a hysterectomy staged at 1a. ("Don't worry, remember to wear your seat belt and see me every quarter."
Okay, no problem. One year later I found a fully encapsulated tumor in the muscle of my left abdominal wall. 6 chemos, I'm to have #5 soon, surgery, then radiation.
What I'm saying is if any MD tells you they're "not worried." Well, they have no reason do they? If someone get's sick, it sure isn't them. If no one cares enough to find out what's happening, then you should--before you let anyone tell you, "It's nothing." xx
dawnm1970 lynda20916
Hi Lynda
Thank you for your response. I’m sorry for your diagnosis but happy it was caught and you're doing well. I’m not exactly sure what my Drs plan is, I haven’t heard anything. I had the test done last Mon and with the holiday maybe I will hear something this week. Regardless I want a consult because it seems that maybe I’m not post menopause and I’d like to have anothe TVUS down the road to verify if the cyst has changed. The Dr did say it was benign so hoping it is just a simple cyst. Continued good health to you!
Hi Lynda!
My Dr called today and she wants to do a uterine biopsy. I’m very lucky to have such a thorough Dr. Fingers crossed everything goes well 😊 The nurse said TVUS looked normal and my stripe was within the normal range but my Dr is very thorough and doesn’t want to miss anything.
kim93615 dawnm1970
May I ask what is a cyst, my level is high I haven't seen a period since May of this year.
dawnm1970 kim93615