High levels but going on vacation
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I am a 28 y/o F. My hemoglobin is 17 and my hematocrit is 50. I am currently seeing a hematologist who is testing for Secondary Polycythemia and Polycythemia Vera. However, I am still waiting for results. With these levels, is it safe or ok for me to go on vacation for 2 weeks?
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I am not any treatment currently as still waiting on my JAK test, as well as LFT, kidney, pulmonary if its secondary.
My hematologist has said I have it just not sure if it's PV or secondary.
paul250360 mikhail91498
Once you have commenced treatment (if required) you should be fine to pretty much do what you want.
I'm 55, walk 10 to 15 kms a day, play basketball and travel overseas occasionally. A 3 monthly venisection, a daily aspro and a yearly visit to my haematologist has been my regime for many years.
frances20411 mikhail91498
It appears to me that you have yourself ready for this trip. I cannot advise since I am not qualified as a doctor...but I would err on the safe side since there appears to also be questions about PV to begin with. Find another vacation and leave camping for later when it is decided if or what treatment you will need.
Kills me that I had to wait 6 months of abnormal cbc before insurance would approve anything.
Its definitely a long ways from any medical facilities, they actually use heliport to transfer people who are in need of a hospital.
This whole process has become very life limiting to me, I'll be so happy to have a final diagnosis.
frances20411 mikhail91498
Isn't there something else that you can do??? during vacation time. I am sure you care about your health or you would not have even taken the time to ask any questions on this site. Good luck!!
clem19079 mikhail91498
frances20411 clem19079
or just a young friend???
clem19079 frances20411
peter98873 mikhail91498
frances20411 peter98873
take any iron pills or eat red meat and do you drink a fair to large quanity of water. I would most appreciate this info.
clem19079 frances20411
frances20411 clem19079
booze or cigarettes. Never have...but PV got me anyhow. Keep up he good work.
clem19079 frances20411
peter98873 frances20411
am prescribed. For years I took Hydroxy Carbamide (Urea) which controlled
my PV beautifully. The problems arose when this drug became less useful
and the dosage was increased to compensate. Eventually I was quite sevely affected and taken off Hydroxycarbamide which presented me with severe foot probllems, and prescribed the new drug Ruxolitinib. I have found this beneficial and am required to visit haematology frequently I have never undergone venesection for PV. I must say my faematologist has been absolutely supportive throughout. Red meat is no problem but don't overdo it. Be sensible and follow a healthy diet. Drinking water is very helpful as the kidneys need protecting as they too cleanse the blood.
alison_29881 mikhail91498
clem19079 alison_29881
alison_29881 clem19079
clem19079 alison_29881