High liver enzymes

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I am so worried, just got my blood tests, and Dr. wants to see me because of high liver enzymes, I worry about my health so bad...I read that sometimes menopause can cause this ... Anyone else have this happen to them??

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8 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Judy,

    Are you taking any medicine? Or you were tired when you got your blood work? I had my ALT high when I took anti inflammatory, but when I stopped, my level when back to normal. Sometime if you are tired your liver enzyme can go high.

  • Posted

    i just received the same results yesterday. His office suppose to call to set up xrays. the nurse was like "The doctor does not want you to drink any alcohol till the scan". I was thinking - what alcohol? My body mo longer tolerate wine or caffeine at this point.

  • Posted

    Yes! My levels were really high a few years ago when all the crap started. I think I remember them being in the 300s. The doc said I should have a liver biopsy!! um, nnnnnoooo

    Anyway, at the time I was taking an antacid and when I looked it up it showed the liver being affected. The doc said it shouldnt have made the levels that high, but I still think that's what it was. I stopped taking them and slowly my levels dropped down to normal again.

  • Posted

    Hi there,

    Defo check out medications that you're taking as some can be a big cause of raised liver enzymes...

    my friend had a similar response when she took anti-anxiety drugs... she came off them and now her liver enzymes have returned to normal.

    AJ. xx

  • Posted

    I'll have to look at the levels but mine were high too.. as well as a few other things. Took my blood work to nutritionist as she bases things off the blood test BUT i was sick the week before my test and she stated that could be the reason why the high numbers--- I was drinking a lot of tea and taking meds for being sick. That was 6 months ago so I'm planning to do another test soon (it's free) just to make sure I'm good.

  • Posted

    Yes. My blood sugar and liver enzymes were slightly elevated at my appointment a year ago. It's happened in the past when peri hit me. I take Liverite liver aid with milk thistle. I order it from Amazon. Since it's been going on for many years I try not to worry. Easier said than done when health anxiety is at an all time high!

  • Posted

    Thank you everyone, you have helped me...I also have had 3 steroids injections since January. that might be some of this....

  • Posted

    Hello.... isn’t high liver enzyme associated with fatty liver? A huge percentage of the pipulation has a fatty liver. Not being rude, but just trying to ease your mind, are you on a strict diet ? if you indulge as I do, it may come back like that because of your lifestyle 😉 Dont waste your energy worrying about till you see the Dr. 😉

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