High or Low? I’m confused

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i've always thought when my breasts hurt my progesterone is low and estrogen high. and when i have hot flashes estrogen is low. what is it when i have both?

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17 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi 2chr,

    I read once that hot flashes are triggered when estrogen falls from a previous high... it doesn't have to be low, just dropping.

    Great, right?

    If I can find the website again where I saw that, I'll post the bit here.

    Hope your having a good day.


    • Posted

      thank you sara! yes please let me know where you found that.

    • Posted

      Hi 2chr,

      I found this on a blog page titled "Perimenopause is a time of "Endogenous Ovarian hyerstimulation"... the blog is run by CEMCOR, a Canadian research organization.

      ...not sure if they will let me link it here... so I cc'd the bits I was thinking of:

      "Daytime hot flashes and night sweats are usually interpreted as indicators of low estrogen, despite the fact that they occur in response to rapidly decreasing estrogen levels. Many women who experience flashes find that they start while they are still menstruating regularly – before estrogen could be low. There is now good evidence that hot flashes are related to at least two conditions:

      --The brain must have been exposed to high estrogen levels at some time, and

      --The level of estrogen has to be decreasing.

      The brains of women who have regular periods and mid-cycle estrogen surges will become used to high estrogen levels.

      When estrogen decreases –even from high to normal—hot flushes are triggered. Two studies have now shown that severe hot flushes can occur concurrently with either very high or normal estrogen levels."

    • Posted

      I think it is interesting because I am not so certain we get similar symptoms during getting our first periods or being pregnant. None of what I experience now happened then yet there are hormonal surges.

    • Posted

      thank you sara! i wonder if during the day when we are exposed to so many xenoestrogens it is higher? and drops at night. idk, i did terrible on the endocrine system in college. somehow i passed but i never really did understand much of it. prob bc they didnt either and thats why we are told you stop having a period in menopause.....end of chapter. HaHa

    • Posted

      That's very interesting it's like when you get exposed to an allergen at first it might take a high dose to cause the allergy attack and from then on it only takes a small amount to cause the same attack. The body remembers and any amount of that Allergen will cause the body to respond negatively until you sensitize it. So with the same theory when estrogen goes high and the body remembers that amount then every time it lowers the least little bit then the hypothalamus in the brain gets confused and calls out for the body to produce a hot flash in an attempt to rid the body of this nonexistent excess heat. So in theory our estrogen levels could be very low to nonexistence and we still have hot flashes. That's amazing I have learned so much about the human body everyday over the past 20 years. Thanks of the info Sara.

    • Posted

      ooohh i see. i totally would have failed the class lol

    • Posted

      Me Too : ). It is amazing how the body functions. I constantly ask the Lord for knowledge because every little bit of knowledge He give me I feel like I gain a little more power that I can use against the evils of this world.

    • Posted

      Haha, yeah, it's not a simple system even when it's functioning in the textbook way. When it's winding down... whoo, boy. (brain explodes).

      I do constantly wonder about it though... you could be right about the day/night timing.

    • Posted

      Thanks, Ella, I hadnt thought about it like that, but it does make sense. Which would explain why a standard dose of hrt is hard to come by... each woman is a little different... well maybe a lot different, in terms of estrogen/progesterone/adrenal history by the time we are approaching menopause.

      I do wish I could start a 2nd career and figure these mysteries out for us...

  • Posted

    LOL, it can go either way for both. They can both can cause hot flashes and sore breast. I think it is being unbalanced that is the problem. This is why it's so hard for doctors to figure women going though menopause out. There is no one recipe that fit all. We are all different and it takes a detective to get you balanced. In todays time you have to be the detective for yourself if you truly want to be balanced. Just remember your hormones can change hour by hour and day by day while in peri-menopause. Whether you wanted to be a doctor or not since you're a woman going through peri-menopause you're forced with two choices, you can either learn to be your own doctor or suffer. Sadly this has become our reality. However there is a bright side you can let the great physician the Lord teach you. He will happily give you the knowledge you need so you can heal yourself, but remember sometimes patience is what he might want to teach first.

    • Posted

      Well most of us can certainly be a doctor we have been teachers, psychologists, nurses, councellors, cleaners etc etc etc 😄 .. it really is up to use to find what works. I also trust that our bodies know what to do. If we can give it the right fuel and look after ourselves it will help tremendously (coming from a chocoholic, coffee addict lol)

    • Posted

      thank you ella! very wise words...you are right. i think about that a lot whenever my life becomes so tedious with buying specific foods and supplements. there is nothing wrong with trying but i have to remember Who is really in control! my breasts haven't really bothered me in a couple of years. i just had my mammo and exam a couple of weeks ago and i thing they became a little sore after that (especially my left one...always the left one) but then i had some drama enter my home. i think all the praying and rebuking i have been doing has stressed my system so that now my boobs hurt worse and i am having night sweats and then cold chills during the day.

    • Posted

      Yes, stress will cause everything to become much worse. That mammogram could have cause them to feel sore then the stress came in and intensified your pain receptors. Chronic stress can cause hyperalgesia which is a heightened sensitivity to pain. I too I have to rebuke evil off me every day, sometimes hourly. I have come to believe that stress and fear are magnets doorways for demons to come in a attack and anxiety seems to be fuel for them. The more anxious you are the more you have to rebuke them. Sending you a hug and a special prayer.

    • Posted

      Jamie, I agree 100 % The Lord has shown me that our bodies know exactly what we need. We just have to learn to trust the Holy Spirit inside us. Even the smallest creature knows what it needs when it gets sick. Reptiles know exactly how long they needs to bask in the sun and they do not need a doctor to tell him how long. When my husband throws mineral blocks out for the goats they know exactly how much to stay and eat and when to walk away form it. God made us with the same instincts but we've been program to not listen to our own instincts. Trust the holy spirit inside you even if you have to fight.

    • Posted

      exactly..spot on there. You just have to look at all the fear and what we pump into our bodies these days to know we are not trusting that journey. Well said.

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