High PSA possible Prostrate Problems
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Hi all
This is my first post so hope I am in the correct area. I live in Spain and with the language barrier I am not sure if I am understanding my diagnosis.
Over the past 6 months I have had two blood test which both confirmed I have a high PSA level (7.2 & 9.7), The only symptom I appear to have is going to the toilet at night more frequently, although to be honest I have always gone to the toilet at night two or three times ever since I can remember, (I'm not a good sleeper and often awake and just go to the toilet without actually feeling the need to go) my Doctor sent me to the Urologist at my local hospital, who gave me a DRE and then referred me for an Ultra Sound examination.
I had the Ultra sound and I the follow up visit to my specialist was told I would have a biopsy, before he even looked at the biopsy results although when asked he said that the Ultra sound was clear.
What I am not sure about is this Am I having the biopsy to ensure I do not have prostrate cancer or are do they think that I do have Prostrate cancer and are looking to see the extent of the problem to ascertain what treatment (if any) I will need?
Hope you can help
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Pepasan HappyH1418
HappyH1418 Pepasan
I am a notorious bad sleeper and cannot remember a time when I slept though the night so when i wake up now even if i dont need the toilet I go so maybe I am excacerbating the situation, but not knowing is stressful. And the language barrier is a problem.
I now start thinking that every time I do go to pass water 'is it hurting, is the flow correct etc etc.
But it's helpful to know how others cope with it.
Pepasan HappyH1418
HappyH1418 Pepasan
stewarta HappyH1418
PSA results are notoriously unreliable. There are too many false negatives and false positives. A DRE will only allow the GP or urologist to tell you if you have an enlarged prostate .... but, it won't tell you why. Nocturia (getting up to urinate at night) can be due to so many causes that it isn't possible to blame it on the prostate. The MRI will tell you and your medical professionals why.
Above all, don't stress too much, and be sure to get more than one professional's view.
barney34567 HappyH1418
Long before a biopsy is to be considered you should do, as stewarta suggests, have a MRI. Ideally 3T. Failing that, 1.5T. Make sure you have the MRI done where a specialist in prostate imaging will report on it, otherwise you are wasting time and money.
And before a MRI, I would have urine tests: m/c/s and urine cytology, to assess if you have an infection. This could be in your prostate or the bladder. And if so, antibiotics will be used to treat you.
I would never jump to a biopsy. This is invasive and not without risk.
I say the above because I have had elevated PSA results, undergone urine tests for a few months and a 1.5 T MRI. Given my history I cannot have a 3T MRI.
i am now deciding who will do the biopsy. I am in no rush. An extra month deciding will not make a difference.
The two blood test where done at the same laboritory.
I also usually drink to much tea during the day and at night probably drink to much carbonated drinks with alcohol, so there are many reasons why I might be going to the toilet more.
I really appreciated all your comments and take on board about trying to remain level headed about it.
Thanks again to all
charles61038 HappyH1418
Roger2Dodger charles61038
Just read your PSA and biopsy results. Mine were similar to yours only higher in both respects. My PSA 5.83... I had 2 core samples with cancer. Both with 10% cancer. Gleason score was 3+3=6 and the other was 4+3=7. This one of the score of 7 had me concerned. My prolaris score will determine the aggressive and non aggressive of my cancer. Just sitting and waiting on the results.
barney34567 charles61038
Roger2Dodger HappyH1418
The advice given here is excellent. I was helped considerable with others that are dealing with prostate issues. Like you I went to my urologist aftrer my PSA went to 5.83. He informed me that the only way I could determine prostate cancer was havibng a biopsy. I had that biopsy, and it proved I had cancer. stewarta mentioned in his reply, having a MRI done before having the biopsy. My Uroligist did not even mention this option. Now he is sending me for a MRI this month.?? I am wondering if the MRI stewarta is referring to is not available where I live? My pathology remains were sent to Prolaris to determine whether or not my cancer is aggressive - non aggressive. My advice is to be proactive when dealing with this dreadful disease.
barney34567 Roger2Dodger
The the fact is, a MRI is non invasive and if it shows something significant, not only is a biopsy then wise to have but the biopsy can be GUIDED by what the MRI found. Otherwise, a biopsy is little more than 14-28 needles being shot into the prostate.
Roger2Dodger barney34567
ES28567 Roger2Dodger
stewarta ES28567
PSA: {2.4 to 3.5 over 10 years} >> DRE * 2 >>.
3T MRI >> Biopsy >> Full body scan and pelvic scan >> post-op
pathology tests 😷
The last lot all within three months.
Roger2Dodger ES28567
ES28567 Roger2Dodger
Hope that helps.
Roger2Dodger ES28567
david41094 Roger2Dodger
Roger2Dodger david41094
3+3=6 And 4+3=7. Your reply has me doubting that they are unrelated.
david41094 Roger2Dodger
stewarta david41094
I wouldn't place any faith in PSA. Apologies if this disturbs any readers.
david41094 stewarta
Roger2Dodger david41094
One question: what is PCa?
david41094 Roger2Dodger
All the best!
Roger2Dodger david41094
David, I will let you know the. Polaris and MRI results when they are available.
barney34567 stewarta
they know plenty of folk who when hearing their PSA is ' high' hit the panic button.