high rdw / rbc and low mcv mchc
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I am having low MCV and MCH count, high RBC count and high RDW count.
Are these symptoms related to anemia or anything more sinister.
Does low MCV and MCH count but normal HB indicates to iron deficiency / anaemia?
I think I was some what dehydrated when this test was taken ...planning on taking one more test in next 2 weeks.
Haemoglobin : 15.1 13.0 - 17.0 g/dL
Photometric measurement
Total RBC Count : 5.62 4.5 - 5.5 millions/cumm
Coulter Principle
Packed Cell Volume / Hematocrit : 46.10 40.0 - 50.0 Vol%
MCV : 82.00 83.0 - 101.0 fl
Derived from RBC Histogram
MCH : 26.90 27 - 32 pg
MCHC : 32.80 31.5 - 34.5 gm/dL
RDW : 14.6 11.6 - 14.0 %
Derived from RBC Histogram
Total WBC Count : 7900 4000 - 10000 Cells/cumm
Coulter Principle
Differential count
Neutrophils : 57 40 - 80 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Lymphocytes : 32 20 - 40 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Eosinophils : 1 1 - 6 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Monocytes : 9 2 - 10 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Basophils : 1 0 - 2 %
VCSn Technology / Microscopy
Absolute Leucocyte Count
Absolute Neutrophil Count : 4503 2000 - 7000 Cells/cumm
Method : Calculation
Absolute Lymphocyte Count : 2528 1000 - 3000 Cells/cumm
Method : Calculation
Absolute Eosinophil Count : 79 20 - 500 Cells/cumm
Method : Calculation
Absolute Monocyte Count : 711 200 - 1000 Cells/cumm
Method : Calculation
Platelet Count : 269000 150000 - 410000 /cumm
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gee013 pr2384
You are evidently not anaemic but you may still be iron deficient. Ask your doc for a ferritin level which will tell you if iron stores are the problem.