Higher heart rate during peri???

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Has anyone noticed that their heart rate is higher since they entered peri menopause?

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14 Replies

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    I am not sure, mine tends to be on the high side before.I usually run mid 70-80 bpm......but if I am stressed, or anxious, or eat sugar it can go to 90-100 bpm.

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    hi kim

    do you have skipping heartbeats well I do since I started periomenpause.

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    Hi Kim,

    I was just going to post the same question. My average daily heart rate seem elevated and when I exert myself such as climbing stairs multiple times I really feel heart pounding in my ears. I am not out of breath - just pronounced and increased heart rate. When all of my symptoms started (hot cold flashes, short-term memory, palpitations) I went to a cardiologist and my family doctor and the ER. The end result was that the consensus was that it was increased (especially certain times of the month (hormones) and with the new anxiety symptoms from perimenopause. I have even asked to be put on heart medicine to slow my rate, my my doctor said most of the time it is in the normal range and the medicine would make it drop too low. I take magnesium glycinate 400mg a day to help with heart for now.

    Anyone else have this heart rate/pounding in ears issue? Solutions?

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      Hi, thanks for answering!! That is how my perimenopause started...anxiety, night sweats & hot flashes. Now it is every other symptom you can imagine. I to take magnesium glycinate 400 mg per day and feel it helps tremendously.

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    HI Kim not only have I HAD POUNDING HEART I Have high blood preasure now it just slowly creeped up from normal 120/80 to the130s to 140s and it happened real fast once I hit peri,, and my heart rate was running in the 80s heart stuff is really scary and your hormones really mess with it... Heard other ladies say the same stuff,,, good luck but I do say really watch it closely because my palpatations were so bad the doctor finally said I need blood preasure meds to protect my heart from this stuff.... hugs to allxxx

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      i know you were responding to Kim, but increased blood pressure and resting heart rate is exactly what has happened to me. my question is what finally made your doctor prescribe medicine?

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      Hi Jen,, really kinda upset me because I see several doctors as I also have hashimotos and started to notice for about 2 years that my blood pressure was elevated all the time and no one ever said a word even though they constantly took it....so because of them I didnt take it seriously the heart palps were out of this world day,,,night just pounding so I ASKED TO SEE A CARDIOLOGIST,, they didnt send me... told him about my history and didnt really think i was a candidate for bp medication because no one in the med field ever said anything even when they got readings in the 160's I JUST REALLY WANT OTHER WOMEN TO BEWARE..sometimes i think they dont take women serious even in this day and age,,,,then he told me your heart needs protection from these palps and heart rate and the blood pressure that keeps going up,, i just figured I wasn't in the heart attack area im ok!!! but not true all that stuff can effect your heart specially if its going on for years with peri, meno... so he put my on... so glad he did my bp went down into normal range but i still think he may raise the dose because it still goes up sometimes...so be careful just because they take your bp and half the time they dont even tell you your reading,, u cant just trust that they took it and they will tell u if it looks bad... I felt after all of that they didnt even really care... i have been seeing so many different doctors, gyno, endo,, was seeing a doc for my bladder, my gp for ear infections bladder infections etc... and no one spoke up!!! kinda crappy right?? so be careful jen!!! hugsxxx

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      Thank you for sharing the specifics regarding your numbers. I have been tracking my blood pressure for over a year now. Both times I submitted my results to two different doctors, and they have said I am borderline for beta blockers. Most of the time my blood pressure is 130/90, but it does go lower and of course goes higher. The highest it goes when I am very anxious is about 150/100. I just started keeping track of my blood pressure again, as we are moving, and I plan to present my findings to a new doctor.

      I agree with you in that doctors don't take woman seriously in regards to their heart. We know out bodies, and know when there is something changing or off. I also agree that we need protection from the palpitations and increased rate/blood pressure.

      In the end, you are always the one who needs to look out for your health. Great advice.

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      yep you are right Jen,, my blood pressure just kinda continued to climb alittle at a time over about 2 years so at some point you have to make a discision to get thise doctors to pay attention that is why so many women die of heart attacks and mine did pretty much stay in pre/hyper for awhile I even kinda got it down with meditation but still I just needed to protect it from all this peri stuff... hugs to you good luck Jen

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      thanks for the hugs Beverly! and good advice 😀

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    Hello, ladies! Low estrogen causes a rise in heart rate, and fluctuating hormones (as seen in peri) causes palpitations. It's all part of menopause, I'm afraid. BUT - if you have any signs of chest, upper back, jaw or arm pain, sweating (other than hot flushes), dizziness and clamminess with these symptoms - please take this seriously and seek medical help immediately. xxx

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    I am curious what is a normal heart rate. I am usually in the 70-80 while sitting, sometimes it can go to the higher 60's. If I am up and walking around it can go in the 90- 110 mark....if I am super stressed it can go to 120's. They say people who are super fit tend to have lower heart rate 50-60s. I get heart palpitations as well and got those when I was in my later 30's...the first time was quite frightening. Two years ago I got all heart tests done, holter monitor for 14 days, stress test and heart echo and countless ecg's all seemed to be normal. Some months I don't have any while others it is daily.....I have been better at taking magnesium so that might be helping, I am also taking fish oil now as per health practitioner request .

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    I am back again to this forum! I really can not stand perimenopause. So this month, my heart rate was even higher during the week before my period. It is like I can feel my estrogen dropping and my anxiety escalates. Didn't help that I threw out my back and ended in the hospital. I had to take five days of prednisone which also can increase your heart rate. Anyway, I was tracking 100 to 115 without doing anything.

    Went to the doctor's today and it was high there as well. They did an EKG and didn't find anything. Chalked it up to hormones, anxiety and residual prednisone since I just stopped it last week. Traditionally, my heart rate drops once I get my period a full 24 hours and goes back to 70s.

    Does anyone else have this drastic difference in heart rate due to hormones?

    They told me to monitor it and I have been to cardiologist all when this first started a few years ago and checked out fine. Now it happens with a greater swing of rates.

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