Hip damage

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hi every one, can any one explain to me any pros out there. Why would a joint specialist rotate the joints of someone that has severe arthritis of the hips ,who was easily coping ok before and now has a worse problem with torn ligaments and such pain couldn't get up for days after and still can't do anything like I used to do, why risk doing this test to do this sort of damage??

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19 Replies

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    You mayy be best to ak the Specialist why he did this. It would be wise in the future to always ask about any procedure as to what are they doing and why. I am sure they wouldn't mind as it is your body. Also if it as caused so much pain got o your GP for advice. 


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      Thank you for advice, I didnot ' . Know what the specialist was going to do, it was done so quickly and shocked me so much, hubby was there too and he said he hardly gave a chance  to object we have put in writing to him the question of why do such a thing to already damaged joints, and told him what pain he has caused, am giving it 8weeks to heal the ligaments and rest then will have to take further advice if no better, have no faith now, am taking msm in good doses for pain as I have no pain receptors for most painkillers which is what I told him at the start, I have been told that before doing this test that they are supposed to ask your permission of what they are intending to do first before they do anything , he didn't so that is against the guidelines that they are given. Will not go to this specialist again. 
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      Thanks Elizabeth, hope so too, every one beware if your going for advice to a specialist as a friend has just had similar done and is now in bad pain too, seems to be a routine thing, madness as it only makes matters worse and doesn't achieve anything, especially when there is an x ray on a monitor your looking at and can see what the problem is anyway,
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      Hi Chasser; I think I would be asking another Orthopaedic, and if not a sufficient answer, I would be reporting him to the board of Ortho Surgeons.......I have had to live with a Disabling condition as a result of a so-callled specialist (and had even asked what another dr thought of him before going to see specialist.....A Musculoskeletal specialist)..and if I'd known how I was going to be affected (with pain that I didn't have before seeing him), I'd have Sued him....he's still working, earning Big Bucks, while I havn't been able to for nearly 20 years.......really think re this, as I can't understand either...as you say, he had x-rays which should of told him what range of movement that you had/what deterioration had occurred......was this visit in order to see re surgery for a Replacement, or what was the reason for the visit?.............Bron
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      Hi Bronyn, so sorry to hear that you have also had a bad experience, the reason that I went to see him is because my hubby saw theX-ray results that I had a year last January, and with us wanting to go on some longish hols we wanted to know what the prognosis was, as the x Rays were so different to what I Was able to do without pain almost thought that they weren't mine! And Except for the fact that I have some clips left in my abdomen from a hysterectomy, that until then was unaware of.  It's another story as to how I came to have x Rays, I went to have physio for a tight ligament that was effecting my knee and when the physio tried to do the  exercises she  mentioned how tight my hip ligaments were, and asked if I had had an x ray of the hips, I then went to the doctors to ask for an x ray to which he said he would be surprised if there was any thing wrong, but agreed anyway, and back they came showing severe oa in left hip moderate oa in the left one,we went to the specialist expecting an up to date x ray, which he said wasn't necessary as its what you are able to do regardless of the x ray, and he said that looking at last year's X-ray to come back in two to five years, then as we were going to leave then asked me to jump on the couch and then rotated hips, my hubby has written and told him what he has done , but as yet no reply, am now trying to lay up to wait for he healing process to mend , av been told ligaments can take months to heal, poor hubby feeling so guilty as it was his suggestion to get checked out , now know we shouldn't have gone near was a silly thing but seemed at the time sensible, but keep telling him that he didn't do this, as he is so kind and can't do enough, just hoping and praying  I can get back to what I was, each morning up taking dog for a walk, and so active. 
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      Sorry meant moderate oa in right hip !,
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      Morning chasser; I don't think it was silly to see specialist at all...I would have done so, too...considering L) hip had shown severe OA...and if causing probs, would have been thinking would a replacement help?    It's just very unfortunate that this b....specialist "stuffed up" (and I still think that I'd be firstly getting a Second opinion...and compare notes...but don't let the next one put you through the same Rotations).....have you had any gentle physio on the affected hips yet....I think you will need to "keep those ligaments moving, but Slowly and Gently"...for you don't want a tendonites in the tendons etc around the hips....and then Plenty of resting of the ligaments/tendons....use of Hot packs etc...

      I am assuming that you were without much pain in hips, until the Specialist did "his workover", from what you said re "not thinking that they were your x-rays"....this is also, for me too, an issue....and another reason to "make sure this Specialist doesn't do same damage to another person......please keep us/me informed how the pain heals, and what helps.....do try some physio, if you havn't already? as you want to do that travelling that you both started out to do...........winkBron

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      Hi Bronyn, thank you for your advice, I tried acupuncture last wed and go again this wed, not had time yet really to make much difference, when I look at the diagram of the hip joint and  all the ligaments and structure around the hip capsule, it's amazing that this rotation of the hips is done at all! You can see where it has to twist the ligament and muscle to rotate,might be ok in a young person with flexible ligaments but then they say that this ligament is tough and tight to support the hip and stop it dislocating!!

      I have started to do some gentle stretching exercises today,I will do a little more each day , have been put off any one that does any physical stuff at the moment, I Find heating up the hip and leg really warm with the electric blanket on full blast for half an hour first before stretching helps. The MSM that I am taking is also not only a good pain killer but also a good nutrient to take to help with the healing, it's non toxic and they. Give it to sports horses, isn't a banned substance so

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      If it can work for them it should for me!

      still can't yet get hard round one day was ok now compromised, still thinking as positive as possible,  Chasser

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      Morning Chasser;   your MSM sounds like just the answer for A Lot of Us.....didn't know anything re same, so have just read up on same.....and from it's description/benefits....it could be Just the thing that another lady on Fibro site needs to trial....she has soooo many allergies, including the normal meds for Fibro, and is Really struggling with her pain, that I am going to mention it to her, and if it helps you, So much the Better....it will be worth following up in a couple of weeks to see how  you are faring with your joint/s ligaments with the use of MSM and your exercise routine......will be waiting to see.....and if it helps you, that may be an incentive for myself and the Osteo/muscle issues, too....best of luck....and will be waiting to her from you again.........Bron
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      Hi Bron, I have started to increase gradually the msm am taking up to 5grams morning and same lunch time, also taking Sam-e, , feeling positive , can walk better now, felt as if I was walking crab like instead of straight after having 
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      my hips rotated, it's been a night mare but feel as if may be turning the corner after 5weeks, taking starflower oil too as research shows good for lubricating joints and dry eyes,will keep on with the research!! Chass


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      Morning; it is good news that you are feeling as if you are slowly improving.  It will be good news to hear of someone actually getting better.........let us know when you are back to Pre-existing state.    Bron
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      The answer is very simple. £££££££££  As for pain and not having any pain receptors, try fentanyl patches which can do no harm to liver or kidneys as are patches and not to be swallower through ososphagus.  You can start with low does of 12mg but seems to me you should be on higher dosage. I have been on 50mg for many months and am fine on it but they don't usually start you with that as try to give you lowest possible one that helps you. The patch does NOT go on the painful area but is stuck on the upper part of the body such as above the elbow. You must get prescription. Good luck.
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      Chasser I was on MSm but came off as it gave me bloodshot eyes. Went back on and same thing happens. DO be careful about it and take some reads online about it. It is not a painkiller incidentally.
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      Hi Mayday; I don't think chasser was looking/using it Only as a Painkiller....more the strengthening of the cartilage/tendons etc, which she felt the dr had Overstretched (that's how I interpreted it)???   Also, Fentanyl is only a Short-acting drug, and why it is used as Pain-relief during surgery.....I know that the patches may work differently....dosed in another format.....but if going to use patches for Long-term pain relief, other medications (such as morphine/tramadol/co-codamol )...give longer relief.....however, chasser is feeling that she is getting back on track, so I don't feel she needs any strong pain-relief??..............Bron
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      Hi Mayday and Bron, Thanks for info, my eyes are ok at present, yes I am taking it for repair to the cartlage and ligaments, they say that there is no blood supply to the cartlage so won't supply nutrient but the articular cartlage around the socket seal does have some blood supply, it is also a pain killer in right dose and as I understand it isn't toxic as it is something that is in the body anyway, it is sulfur  , garlic, eggs and other foods contain this too, but it is crucial to only increase dose gradually as it is a detoxifier and your body couldn't deal with too many toxins to rid itself of in one go,I have less pain today since my hips were damaged that was 5weeks ago. Before that I was so active but feel I have a while to go yet to get back to what I was and the ligaments are healing but need time to get strong, doing stretches I  have cupboards across the wall over the bed and with a pillow and my hands supporting under my hips I can reach the underneath of the cupboards with my feet and I hold for a minute each one, tomorrow I am going to hold twice so two minutes, feels really good when done tendons at back of legs don't feel as tight, but bit painful at first but getting a little bit less so each time.feel for first time light at the end of the tunnel, by the way there are different qualities of msm, and also comes in a powder for bigger doses, the vets are now prescribing it for arthritis in cats and horses!


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      Meant dogs and horses sorry , don't think cats are prone to arthritis !!

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