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Ladies do any of you break out in itchy hive to the point where it feel like some bite you than you start itching than it's a red bump it burn, swelling up. have any of you ladies break in hive if so what did you do about it. I here it come from menopause. please somebody help me I am going through menopause.
Help me please help me helppppppppppppppp me.
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pamela03890 kim93615
Yes I just experienced one on my arm last night. Last week had one on my other arm,it was like a bug bite but when I continue to scratch them they swell up like a hive. Notice they coincide with weird symptoms and anxiety right now is the worst . This site helps me calm down. I feel so much better knowing I am not alone.
nancys21 kim93615
Yes, Kim. I've battled psoriasis since I was 22. It's been awful since peri and now menopause. It's the worst! Lately I itch my hands, which feel like they have mosquito bites, and they don't! So many skin changes with menopause. I've given up on creams/lotions. Nothing works anymore. I need hormones! Seeing a new gyn on Tuesday who uses a compounded pharmacy. Praying he can help me. All my former gyn of 27 years offers is maybe hrt. I gave up on him. Tried to go natural and can no longer do it. Have no quality of life! I hope you find some relief! I've been watching Susanne Sommers videos on youtube. I do believe she is right! Some of us need hormones to function!
4withGod kim93615
I myself get that irritated itchy skin mostly on my chest neck and somtimes the face. It seems to come out if nowhere. At times it is severe like I'm being attacked by invisible insects of some sort. It starts to burn and swell. Someone told me to put ice... BIG mistake. The itching and burning got worse. I tried allergy pills and hydrocortizone cream that brought sine relief. Praying you will get the relief you need to keep your sanity. GOD BLESS...
Mrsmull kim93615
ive been awful with itching i have noticed that it when my anxiety is really bad and every night my legs feel like they are on fire and itchy so i take a piriton every night and thats helped loads
Carolyn09280 kim93615
Been getting this on and off for past three years. Got everything checked out and all is fine so I think it must be hormonal but of course Dr. do not acknowledge this. Since cutting out gluten, food additives (candy), things are a lot better. Too much sugar can also aggravate it. Mine comes mostly at night but sometimes during day.
kellyb75 kim93615
Hi Kim,
i deal with horrible itching every month. right before my period is supposed to come. i started peri 3 years ago and its just getting worse. ive tried benedryl, hydroxizine, etc. and nothing seems to work. the one cream that helps is called triamcinolone acetonide. i like to use natural remedies first but haven't found one that helps enough. if you have anxiety i know Primrose oil works wonders for it as well as breast and belly pain. you can take it under the tongue or rub on areas that hurt. if i find something for the itching i will let you know. im an RN and am always researching ways to help us ladies. God bless and good luck sweetheart.
kellyb75 kim93615
I also forgot to mention stay away from hot baths. it increases histamines which cause more itching.😟