Hope my story on menopause may help?
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Hello I have been reading these discussions and this is my story and I hope it may help.
my menopause/peri menopause started when I had my last baby at 33 years old I was ignored by my doctor at 35 - she said you are too young (my mum had early menopause) I suffered and boy I Tsuffered till I was 37 my periods had completely stopped for 8 months and I had done a diary and taken every herbal remedy - the last straw was when I was on my way to pick up the children from school at around 3pm and I nearly fell asleep whilst driving. I went armed to the new doctor who immediately put me on HRT one week later confirmed I was in full menopause....
HRT saved me, I felt me again no more night sweats anxiety weight gain depression constant hot flushes mood swings fatigue bones aching headaches just a few of the symptoms - fantastic wow brilliant all gone with my magic pill.
I am now nearly 49, oh dear the last few years tons of changes including divorce new home older children being abusive to me like their father. New partner then that ends mother with invasive bladder cancer and dementia moving end of partnership court cases with ex husband for custody him lying I won. 7 years of bad luck - then my health started to go down hill around 5 years into this. 6 months ago just want it to all end so depressed tired and the fatigue hot flushes weight gain achy bones all the symptoms again however I didn't recognise. Thought it's my age? Been seeing the doctor for anxiety and depression since last year all foggy so tired!
June this year doctor does extensive blood tests for everything- all clear my liver kidneys heart everything good! So what's wrong?
the night sweats must be cancer so bad the lack of sleep!!
a new doctor after a run around as I said I feel I'm going through the menopause- my body doesn't like proestrogen so new HRT now taking wow amazing I have energy I feel normal no more mood swings no aches no headaches. My doctor said we will review HRT as other doctors have when I am 50 years old I said I will sign a disclaimer I never ever want to come off. My new doctor said that is my choice I can have as long as I want and if I want to try another HRT fine. To add to all this I have had scans a smear and a mammogram all clear.
Reading some of the discussions my reply is why oh why come off if it makes you feel so miserable love it and except and just keep up the checks and be happy - if I die at 90 I will still be on it. I said to my doctor I will sign a disclaimer I have the right to choose. Don't feel guilty. If we have a headache we take a tablet same thing.
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