Hope Someone Knows What I Mean
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I stopped having painful boobs for several years but last year, they started up again before a period. Now they feel so sore, similar to when I'd start off with breastfeeding. If anyone catches them, I could swear and curse, (actually I do to myself). The pain subsides and then within a couple of weeks, it's back. It's just starting up again this week.
I'm also getting this unbelievable tiredness. My eyes feel dry and it's really worrying me. Sometimes I get what I can only describe as a vague period pain on and off, sometimes feel sick and......the list goes on. I have the Mirena coil fitted and it has been wonderful because it stopped the excessive bleeding I used to have. I couldn't go on with that so it was either the coil or a Hysterectomy. The snag, is that I get the PMS symptoms but either don't bleed at all or barely lose anything. Weird as it sounds, when you bleed, you can time things better. Me being me, I panic and think the worst. Nothing is innocent anymore, not even an ache in my finger as I think it has to be something frightening.
My anxiety is terrible right now, I freak out at the thought of going to the doctor's. I'm due my Diabetes check and I am struggling to make that phone call. I know that I don't have to ring here and now but it's not right that I feel this way. I feel very alone, even though I know so many ladies suffer the same. I try to rationalise things and tell myself to stop with the worrying but it doesn't work. Your posts here help me to no end, thank goodness this forum is here.
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metamorphed BugglyBot
I love this line "Nothing is innocent anymore, not even an ache in my finger as I think it has to be something frightening"
This sums it up, I get everything that you describe and it is starting to wear on my nerves. I try to think of the time when I would get a pain in my leg or arm or even a cough and just get on with it. With this peri business, it makes you believe that everything is connected to something else and something bigger is going on. It's pure rotten
BugglyBot metamorphed
It started for me back in 2012, (or should I say that is when my anxiety took a huge climb on the scale). I had Anaemia for the first time ever and I've always suffered very heavy periods, so much so that no amount of tampons and towels together made it better. So of course when my blood tests came back, (showing two types of Anaemia I believe), at first I just thought that the bleeding and my age had combined to give me the Anaemia. The doctor innocently asked me if I had any trouble with my bowels, digestion, even extra gas. I said no. He then asked me again, (I think he was surprised at how low my levels were), but that's all it took and off I went into full panic. I then started with panic attacks and was so bad one day that I had to speak to the doctor on the phone as I couldn't calm down. Since then, anything innocent is a threat to me now and I worry about my children and husband. I'm so scared all of the time.
I have a friend who is similar to me and I've sent her the link to this forum and told her that I was sure she'd feel so much better knowing how you ladies here feel.
I see people who've seen me feeling off it and they'll ask me if I'm feeling better. I say yes, even though I wanting to say.."I don't know" or.."not really", but we don't want to look like moaners so we pretend. Makes me wonder if some women who're classed as hypocondriacs are actually just very frightened, not knowing what is wrong with them so they ask a doctor. All they want is reassurance. I just wish more people had a better understanding of the perimenopause/,menopause. They might then realise just why we feel like we do.
metamorphed BugglyBot
Yes, knowledge of this is hugely lacking! It's ridiculous. I have to laugh at the term, 'going through the change' as I'd always heard it said through my life. That gives the impression that this delicate change is taking place and you might need to lie down once in a while. Well, it is more like being injected with some sort of toxic substance and you jerk and spasm until it's gone from you.
I woke this morning with a red eyeball, for no reason and I just looked in the mirror and thought first of something crazy serious and then had to calm and tell myself, it's a red eye. Never before all this started would I have thought anything of it, just popped some eye drops and breeze out the door.
This is a toxic state to be in, never a day goes by good or bad that I don't say out loud, 'I HATE THIS'.
Just keep saying this to yourself and out loud and shout it if you have to to beat those anxious times. Shake your fist at yourself in the mirror and say 'you won't beat me'. Yeah others might think you're a hypochrondriac or gone mad but hey, tell them you're toxic.
jamie50513 BugglyBot
Sure I've had heavy cycles that started coming every three weeks, lasting 7 to 8 days, extremely sore breast, mood swings, exhaustion that felt like I could never get enough sleep, headaches and more. Never paid any of that stuff any attention as I thought it was just pms and part of menses, until these symptoms became intensified along with new things going on with the racing heart, weird head feelings, internal tremors and buzzing, increased gas and indegestion, and anxiety that I never had before, along with some weird cycle changes, you name it, I've felt it and my docs still manage to tell me I'm too young for meno.
I'm over it and just taking the suggestions that I receive here and seeing what works for me. I thank God for this forum and these lovely ladies. I would still be a partial basket case going to the ER every day like I was. I truly understand where you are coming from.
BugglyBot metamorphed
My eyes are stinging and dry right now as I type and it's probably because we've been decorating and the radiator gloss is strong but I'm panicking over it and thinking negatively whereas a few years ago, I'd have just put it down to something and nothing. I'll try what you've suggested and keep saying that to myself. Lol, maybe telling them I'm toxic might make them listen a little more. Worth a try. Thanks again metamorphed x.
BugglyBot jamie50513
This forum has helped me loads in the last few weeks and I have it on my laptop as a permanent window so I can just come to read it sometimes several times a day.
For years my boobs didn't hurt but wow, I know they're there now. i say it a lot but my husband is amazing and I'm lucky that my mum and sister are supportive too. Mum still has hot flushes and she's 77 this March. It does help. Thanks Jamie for your posts and good luck with your appointment. Let us know how you go on. It certainly helps me to see how other ladies have gotten on x.
jamie50513 BugglyBot
I actually can remember my mom going through this when I was younger, she went through the heart racing where she would come in our room and ask if we thought she ate something that made her sick, anxiety to where she would panic and run out the house, hot flushes, and if there was anything else she didn't mention it. She doesn't like doctors so she never went. She just endured it. I really believe she didn't know about peri enough to go see about her symptoms. It wasn't until I started experiencing these things and at the ER every other day that brought it to her attention that she went through it but didn't know what it was. I just hope I don't have years of suffering before full meno.
BugglyBot jamie50513
jamie50513 BugglyBot
BugglyBot jamie50513
jamie50513 BugglyBot