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Hello everyone,
Need to know if anyone else is experiencing eye issues with peri. I am experiencing EVERYTHING ELSE:
*Weird periods?shorter in length and brown in the beginning
*No sex drive
*cold extremities (mainly my left foot)
*cold all the time
*stiff/sore neck and shoulder muscles
*mild headaches
but the weird eye thing started last night. I was watching TV with my heating blanket and it was like I could see a shadow out of my peripheral vision, it went away and then today I had it a couple times, I can see fine, no blurry vision, no double vision, no black outs, no floaters just weird vision. I saw my opthamologist today and they did a bunch of tests, eye x-rays and she found nothing. They want to do an eye field test Monday.
Just wondering if anyone else has experienced this or similar?? My anxiety is through the roof, thinking it could be something more serious like......I'm not even going to type it.
Thank you,
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Eliaimee1970 KikiP
KikiP Eliaimee1970
Thats awesome about the sex drive. GOD, I wish i had the desire.
I don't have floaters just weird vision at times.
Eliaimee1970 KikiP
angela33631 Eliaimee1970
I'm just getting over the neck back and headaches. It's one thing after another
angela33631 KikiP
I have had all of your symptoms. I had to see my optician as was experiencing like a film over my eye almost shadowing my sight. My eyes were also sore especially in the morning. Turned out to be dry eye another symptom of Peri and menopause. The horrible symptoms of this change of life are awful. Also sounds like you have health anxiety and thi king the worst scenario which again is on that ever growing list of symptoms.
Try not to worry, have your test I'm sure you will be fine. X
Eliaimee1970 angela33631
Your right i have everything inthe course of 2 years and a bunch of test later it turned out to be normal. I’m just want to go back to be 32 🙂... I’m 48.
angela33631 Eliaimee1970
I'm 50 and started this horrendous change at 48. I was a carefree person who never worried much about my health. Now my anxiety is through the roof at the slightest niggle of pain and there are plenty
KikiP Eliaimee1970
KikiP Eliaimee1970
While I'm sitting here typing, I have pain in my upper left chest, above my left boob, right below my armpit, I started my period today of course it's brown and light and stomach is acting up. What the Hell?? My eyes were dilated today and my vision is slowly coming back but no vision symptoms from yesterday or earlier today so that's good. I love all you ladies......Thank you for not making me feel like I'm crazy. The support here is unbelievably and truly a blessing.
angela33631 KikiP
I am now on hrt and have to say it has helped so much with all the crazy symptoms and ailments.
Now we know why they call it the change of life.
Eliaimee1970 KikiP
maria314 KikiP
Good morning kiki
Wow you described ME!!! Isn't terrible I want my life back I'm also lost complete of my sex drive
Are you taking anything ?
KikiP maria314
Hi Maria,
My Gyno has put me on Lo Loestrin (mild form of BC) she said it will level me out. I will keep everyone updated with my results. Today is my 3rd day on the BC and well lets just say IT HASN'T KICKED IN YET!!!
The constant thing is my neck and shoulder pain. My neck is so fricken stiff, I stretch it in the shower with hot water and I massage my lats and my neck but honestly get no relief. I tiny bit of a headache today but mainly neck pain.
2chr2015 KikiP
Hi Kiki. I've got or had pretty much all the symptoms. I've had blurry vision off and on. My health anxiety is always bad. Ive been going through this for 2 years now. I am 45. I also have left side neck , clavicle and ear pain. I give up. I am making an appt with an ent on Monday. I have to make sure its nothing serious. I'm praying for us all. This forum has been a blessing. ((Hugs))
amy602 KikiP
OMG. I just had this for the past week. It's soo weird. I went to my accupunture appointment and mentioned it to him and he said it has some thing to do with your neck and of coarse because of peri I have some neck pain. He did his thing with the needles and it worked. I haven't had an issue since then and that was 6 days ago. I hate all this crazy stuff peri does to us and i cant wait for it to be over. Hugs.
KikiP amy602
And how crazy is this...my Gyno said she wants me to make an appt with an acupuncturist and to tell her I want relief for "menopausal symptoms". So even though my eye shadows or "visual disturbance" as Lisa put it
were literally for 1.5 days I am scheduling the acupuncture appt tomorrow. I will also keep everyone updated as to the relief it gives. I am hoping for neck and shoulder relief pain.