Hormones blood work

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I have few blood work to see where my hormones where and the 2 of them were normal and the one that produce breast milk prolactin was high so i google it and i was scare like high levels can cause tumors in the pituitary gland . So I went and I retake it. And hope is normal . Cam anyone’s here experience this. Thanks in advance 

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4 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I had it high twice in the past. And like yourself Googled it and worried. But in another test it showed normally. So hopefully it will be the same with you. I think stress can effect it too.
    • Posted

      Yes the day I took it my period was late and my heart was racing like hell.  I google and I almost past out . Thanks so much for replying I’m feel at ease a little. The Fht test was normal and the estrogen was normal as well. (((Hugs)))
  • Posted

    Stay away from Dr. Google. You will think you're dying.

    • Posted

      I know the nurse told me that .  She said stress can cause it. On the internet I read like benign tumor on the pituitary gland when there is high levels.  

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