Hormones help

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I will try and make this brief, stopped bleeding about 2/3 years ago can't actually remember, brain fog, started with meno symptoms 4 years ago, and hypothyroidisum, started on hrt and levothyroxine 50mg, 4 years on still feel like rubbish.

tried numerous hrt and nothing worked, the problem I have is when my cycle would have been due (I suspect) do I still get a surge of eastrogen or progesterone, because I think it knocks my thyroid levels out, hence the buzzing in ears possible lack of one or the other( it's driving me insane) libido nothing only very occasionally will it reappear.

the pains I get is awful feel like someone sticking knitting  needles in me, the sweats are like infernos, then so cold, help with some advice please. 

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi scampi

    i am 19 months post meno no HRT..  Age 50 ..

    ( only use ovestin estriol for vag dryness) doesnt treat any other symptoms.

    cant live with out it.. 

    i too now have underactive thyroid issues and may need meds for it..

    getting checked again next week.

    i too have cold hands alot and feel cold, then can have flushes too alot, these flushes all stopped in early peri and came back post meno..

    i live in spain and the summer heat really affected me last year being newly post meno and it hasnt before lived here years..

    cant take HRT and dont want to either .. ( other than my ovestin ovules which i cant do without) 

    the doctor says i have hypodroidism ( under active that needs monitoring) i havent been offered meds yet ..

    my mother has underactive thyroid too been on thyroxine for 30 years my mum has.. 

    i have no weight gain with it, like some do, i am the opposite and losing weight.. have all through my 10 year peri and worse post meno.

    i have no energy much, and feel shaky and cold hands alot .. 

    Hopefully get some answers soon ..

    having TSH, T4 and T3 checked next week .. 

    my TSH was 3.61 last time, ( lower the better ) mine classed as elevated and elevated indicates under active .. Or looming underactive 

    obviously i have had no periods for 19 months my post meno been confirmed by gyno at well woman checks.. 

    But i still get a pattern about every 6 weeks i feel  really ousy for 3 or 4 days 

    ( no periods but a feeling of awfulness more so) 

    I have been off all vits and supplements  now for 12 days, as i want my bloods results as natural and accurate as possible, not having tests for another week so all vits are mostly out my system 

    totally sympathise with you 

    jay x


  • Posted

    Hi I have had Hypothyroidism but since I went into menopause my thyroid level went down to a .5 which is almost to the point where it was hyperthyroidism my doctors nurse lowered my levothyroxine to 100mcg to take 4 days of the week and my 112mcg of levothyroxine 3 days a week to slow the thyroid down some. 

    I am not on HRT because that is just adding hormones that you don't need to your body and I am already on levothyroxine to help with that hormone. 

    It could be the side effects of the HRT that you are on so just be careful with taking it 

  • Posted

    Hi scampi I am refusing to go on hrt because the doc said it would only make things worse. I can't sleep, horrid nights sweats amongst other crappy feelings. I suggest you go to your docs and get him to sort this out. Good luck to you hun and take care. I also have no libido and always have a throbbing head by bedtime so if I can't sleep I get up have a cup of tea and do a bit of ironing better than lying in bed listening to my husband snoring as well as the dog

    Good luck to and I hope you feel better and get back to you your doc and say sort this out and go with a list of stuff you want to discuss. Good luck I hope this helps Scampi

  • Posted

    Hi Scampi!

    Sorry you are feeling bad. I know how frustrating this all is as well.

    I do use (physician recommended) Progesterone cream limited each month now as it seems to level out the "surges" of estrogen I was getting clobbered by. I only use it about 2 weeks out of the month. For the most part it has helped but like many others, I was recently diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.

    I was told during Peri and Meno issues it's not uncommon to have Thyroid issues crop up, but I read your post about being on meds and still not feeling quite right. Oh boy, I am so sorry that you are still struggling with trying to find some peace between both issues. I do hope somehow there is a way to sort this out for you along with many of us. Certainly is maddening!

    I am seeing a specialist next week to address the Hypo business and Dear Lord I hope I find some relief from my new issues, that may or may not be related to this new finding.

    Right now, I feel like I am 100 yrs old with odd aches and pains and uggggh......the weight gain without increasing my intake of food, in fact, I have really scaled back from an already limited, gluten-free diet that was improving issues with IBS a few years back. 

    I hear you about the low libido.......darn it this one really confounds me. I remember hearing "older" women talk when I was a bit younger (56 now) and hearing them say they could care less about that stuff. I thought they were crazy and pitiful.

    Here I am for past year or so feeling the same as them. What in the heck is this? I couldn't understand those ladies and I sure can't understand me either. My poor husband (ok today I say poor husband-lol! another day I may say otherwise-love these up and down feelings as well-being a bit sarcastic here!) is on this journey with me and thankfully is not a jerk about this so far.

    And you are taking full HRT (estrogen included) and still the car doesn't want to start, right? Some would say take testosterone, but holy smokes, I had my levels drawn and I believe mine may have been a bit low but OMG, I don't know if that would work and do I want to add more meds to the list to gain my libido, but then again........

    Well dear Scampi, I don't have any answers for you other than you are not alone in this time and I pray you feel better soon.

    Annie xx


  • Posted

    Thanks to you all for reply, had to come of HRT it just did not agree with me, and since coming of them my tsh levels are under the range they were 21 range 27-42 and ft4 in range at the high end, read lots about that and it could be overmedicated only on 75 mg.

    my symptoms at the moment are,

    sweating a lot 

    buzzing in ears

    red skin

    gritty eyes


    basal temp 36.5 last week 35.1

    pressure in nasal cavity 

    fullness in throat feel like something stuck

    hoarse voice



    sore/aching muscles/joints

    weight loss

    loose stools



    cold hands/tremors

    teeth chattering so cold

    hair falling out/dry/brittle

    rudges in nails

    really itchy skin

    spots /scabs on head

    does this sound like hyper to anyone,I am also menopausal and have benign positional vertigo.


    • Posted

      Hi scampi 

      so sorry you feel so bad.

      not understanding your ranges .. Must be different where you are.

      my TSH is 3.61 .. 

      T4 9.8

      your meds is it L.Thyroxine or another brand 

      75mg ? Thats alot ... Is it 75 mcg 

      jay x

    • Posted

      Hi Scampi

      Sorry you are not feeling to great. Your meds might be way to high I'M only on 100mcg four days a week and the other three days I take 112mcg 

      Thyroid meds should be in mcg form not 75mg thats way to much for you. 

      You need to see your doctor right away about these symptoms because you could be on way to much thyroid medication 

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