Hormones out of whack!
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I've had blood test done a couple of weeks of go and my gun said my hormones was normal except for my progesterone was very low. She told me to start on the progesterone cream which has helped. My anxiety. Sleep, etc. I had more more blood work done weeks later by my chiropractor and he told me this week that my hormones are out of whack especially my testosterone with my red blood cells being low. (Last week my PCP said I had low iron saturation , not rbc.)
The herbalist where I bought the progesterone cream from said that this is white normal.gor the hormones to be out of whack when first starting the cream ,they are trying to balance themselves. Does anyone know this to be true?
Im meeting with my chiropractor today for consultation, he will be putting me on supplements. He did ask had anyone ever told me that my testosterone was very high? I said yes I was treated for PCOS in the past. Could this be the reason or the progesterone cresm?
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gailannie mary27278
Mary, this is a tough one all round. So I'll do the best I can, but some of this is really your particular body. There are parts and pieces of truth with everything you've been told (at least from my reading and years of study) but even then sometimes what works on paper, or for one woman, doesn't work for others.
So yes, whenever you take a hormone there are changes that occur, and your body is attempting to adjust. Progesterone does some wonderful things in the body, the best of which is it protects your uterine lining from over growth. Which does protect your from the possibility of uterine cancer. But remember, it normally takes several weeks for the hormone to provide desired results. This is why HRT doctors say to stick with it for more than just a week or so. That's true for estrogens, testo and progesterone as well.
It also is one of the precurser molecules that provides hormones that are further down the hormone cascade. I have no idea what your level is that is considered "high", but the next question is "How do you feel?" and "Are you having PCOS symptoms?" i.e. unusual hair growth in unwanted places? Anger?
Some women, and I'm one of them, normally ran a higher testo level (for most women) yet never had a problem with it. It felt normal to me. (However, I was never diagnosed with PCOS)
This whole thing is about balance between your hormones. And your body will use some of the progesterone and convert it to other hormones. I have read some experts that say that progesterone cream will raise both progesterone and testo levels. That may be his experience with a limited number of women. What's important is how you feel.
mary27278 gailannie
Thank you for your response. I have been feeling better since using it. I do have facial hair on chin and side of face but its not severe. But to the point that over the years i've had to plunk it. Latley, I noticed its been frequently. I have been told by my endocrinoligist in the past that my PCOS was different than the norm she's seen. I dont have alot of symptons... She called me a skinny PCOS
?On top of that I am going through perimenopause right now and being treating for gastritis and gerd. I started eating Sunrider concentrated food and what a difference it has made in my life. Along with the progesterone cream. I was at the point where I was just in bed from feeling so ill. Things are much better, I still have symptons here and there of nasuea, fatigue, and other nagging symptons, but nothing like before. I will be meeting with my chiropractor this morning to let me know what supplements he will put me on in the areas my body needs.
gailannie mary27278
That's great that you are feeling better. Keep your focus on that. Labs can take time to catch up to how you're feeling. (Seen that many times). And many doctors don't even use labs because they often don't reflect accurately. Remember they are only a tiny snap shot in time.
2chr2015 gailannie
gailannie 2chr2015
Ok, here's the long answer. When using HRT there are two ways you can do this. One is called cyclical therapy, the other is continuous. Obviously with cyclical you do estrogen everyday all month long, and just use the progesterone 14 days a month. If the estrogen is high enough to stimulate the uterine lining, then you will have a period after you stop the progesterone. Progesterone is normally given orally, but can also be taken vaginally.
On continuous therapy, you use the estrogen and progesterone everyday all month long. This helps keep the uterine lining thin, and therefore you shouldn't have a withdrawl bleed. However some women will bleed a little until the body adjusts.
As far as using the cream, I have read everything from everyday, to 21 days, to just 14 days a month, depending on where you are in the satages of peri or meno. There is an interesting thing about the progesterone cream. Somehow it doesn't show up in the blood stream and can't be accurately measured. But several studies have shown that by using it for a year, it will protect the uterine lining. But unless you are using a huge amount, it often doesn't show up in the blood work. Typically, cream progesterone is only about 15-20 mg per day, which is approximately how much we produce in a normal cycle. But when you take it orally, you take anywhere from 100 to 200mg, because so much is lost in the liver. With vaginal delivery, you use much less, as it goes directly into the blood stream as progesterone.
Now as far as using progesterone "for a certain amount of time" I'm guessing that question is "months" or "years". But this again depends on why you are using it. If it's perimeno, some women use it till their body feels more normal, or they hit menopause. If you are using it because you have a uterus and are using estrogen, then you wil need it for as long as you take estrogen to protect your uterine lining from over growth, which could lead to uterine cancer.
Hope this helps.
2chr2015 gailannie
Thank you! I am in perimeno. And I feel estrogen dominant most of the time with sore breasts etc. I thought I read that you shouldn't use it for more than 6 months. So I just wasn't sure