Horrible acid reflux

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I'm feeling horrible with this constant acid reflux.

I will be getting a endoscopy in a few weeks but I've been dealing with this for so long now and the medications the doctor has put me on haven't been working. I'm so sick of feeling sick sad

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19 Replies

  • Posted

    Omg I wrote a post exactly like this!!!!! Ive had two endoscopies and they said no problems apart from a small polyp in my stomach lining which the consultant insists is not causing my symptoms.

    I feel sick cant eat and constant burning. I was put on omeprazole but got palpitations and headaches on them. Its just awful. Ive been in perimenopause eight years and im totally worn out with all the symptoms. Im due another endoscopy in june I have to have them yearly to check on the polyp.

    Its just a nightmare I feel for you I really do.

    Really hope you get some relief soon hun. Good luck with your endoscopy x

    • Posted

      I was given Protonix and Omeprazole. It doesn't help. It gives me headaches too.

      The burning feeling in my stomach and like inflammation. I feel it mostly on my upper left side of my stomach and below my left breast. I get this dull ache and it spreads to my chest, back and shoulder blades.

      I start feeling so anxious and panicky thinking what it could be. It feels like I've been dealing with this for ever.

    • Posted

      I know it gets you down do much

      ive had a bottle of gaviscon since yesterday. Nothing is working. I've had bad bouts of this in perimenopause before but this is the worst yet. Im on an AD mirtazapine and am beginning to wonder if its making my stomach worse. Ive been on it a year. Ive had a horrible Christmas. This peri stuff robs you of your joy. X

    • Posted

      I started having Perimenopause symptoms 8 years ago but this stomach issue I been having for almost a year now.

      It has gotten gradually worse and I can't wait to get the endoscopy done already.

  • Posted

    Endoscophy is the best thing i insited on one as i entered menopause, i lost my appetite had discomfort upper left side had gastitis, it was hit and miss with the tablets but it eventually cleared up x
    • Posted

      Yes I'm going to be getting one done soon.

      I have to get it done already because I can't keep feeling this way. I know there's something there that's causing it. I feel it on my upper left side. I hate thinking everything I eat will give me heartburn.

  • Posted

    Wow, know all to well what you ladies are dealing with. Have acid reflux issues too but most worrisome is the pain I get that makes me feel like I'm having a heart attack. Usually followed by excessive belching which gets rid of the pain. Doesn't help with the anxiety. My doc gave me pantaprazole but its not meant to be used long term which stinks because it actually helps a bit. Can't wait for this to all be over!
    • Posted

      I don't get pain, it's mostly like a dull ache mainly on my upper left side and ache and burning feeling below my left breast. It feels like something there even though I don't feel anything. Maybe inflammation or hernia ..I don't know it makes me so anxious.
  • Posted

    Hello, I never suffered from acid reflux until about ten months ago. My Dr prescribed proton pump inhibitors which helped but didn't stop the problem completely. I hate taking meds so felt very uncomfortable continuing more than two weeks. I was convinced it was related to something I was eating (and probably aggravated by peri). I went to see a nutritionist who suggested cutting out wheat/gluten. Within days the problem stopped and hasn't come back.

    Maybe you could try that for a week. Its no easy cos wheat is everywhere but for me at least its better than suffering from acid reflux.

    Good luck

    • Posted

      Wow. .I didn't think about that.

      Can you give some guidance on how to do that . Like what foods should I avoid. Would you suggest what foods will help too?

      Thank you for your response.

    • Posted

      The main things to avoid are bread, pasta, cakes and biscuits. Gluten is hidden in other things too but if you cut out those you're already doing very well. They're not easy things to give up. The good news for me was that I could then restart eating other foods I stopped eating like tomatoes, coffee, wine and importantly chocolate!

      Potatoes and rice are fine as are all fruit, veg, fish and meat. And did I mention chocolatewink

    • Posted

      Oh ok.. I will cut out those foods and see if I start feeling better. I know cutting out coffee will be hard ,but I will have to do it because I want to feel some relief already.

      Thanks so much for your help and I will let you know in a week if I feel better.

    • Posted

      Well coffee is in the classic foods to give up for acid reflux but if its due to whaet like mine was then you can continue with coffee. There's no gluten or wheat in coffee. For gluten free its the bread, pasta, cakes and biscuits you need to stop. And pizza sorry!

      Good luck and do let me know how you get on.

    • Posted

      Yes definitely. .I will let you know how it goes. Thanks for your advice and suggestions. Really appreciate it.
  • Posted

    Hi mrscb,

    I had this really nasty for about 2 years. I tried proton pump inhibitors but they didn't stop it. Maybe I had it a little less whilst taking them. I really didn't like that they can affect bone density especially as menopause also does that.

    I did a lot of reading about it and treated it with powdered ginger 30 minutes before food. I think that you can buy capsules but I just put some in a roll up paper twisted it up and swallowed one or two with water.

    I also made a lot of ginger tea (peel and finely slice fresh ginger and steep in boiling water) and drank it through the day. If it was really bad half a teaspoon of bicarb in a glass of water sorts it out quickly as well.

    This was the last two years of peri the very last year was the worst. It is one of the things that did get better after my last period I'm pleased to say and now I only get it very occasionally.

    Hope yours soon stops as well.

    Hope this helps.

    • Posted

      I have tried ginger tea too. I cut up fresh ginger and boil a few pieces. How often should I be drinking it through the day and should I drink it every day? Any suggestions and advice I greatly appreciate it.

      Thank you.

    • Posted

      Yes drink a few cups a day like you would tea and have it before a meal.

      I did drink it fairly regularly and also the powdered ginger before meals. I think it had a better effect on the reflux than lansoprazol and much better for you.

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