Horrible burning pain under rib cage
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Hi, I'm at wits end because I can't find anything to help relieve this pain. I'm 20 years old and I've had it for a couple of days now non-stop, at first I thought it might be indigestion but it isn't going anywhere and I've tried all the remedies and they aren't doing anything. I've tried painkillers but they aren't even taking the edge off! It feels almost like I have a constant stitch but it's more painful! I've completely lost my appetite and feel sick all the time. With it being the weekend my only option is to ring 111 but I know they'll send me up to out of hours or something and I really want to avoid that. I'm just wondering if anyone has experienced anything similar or knows of a way to help with the pain because I'm driving myself crazy as all I can do is curl up in a ball.
I don't know if it might be relevant but I'm on carbmizole for hyperthyroidism I was diagnosed with a few months ago. I now know from scan results that it is due to a toxic nodule on my thyroid, I see the specialist again in a few weeks to discuss treatment, I have no idea if this could be anything to do with this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Joe79711 lydia_87192
Do you suffer from anxiety? I have somewhat similar pains and that's what has started causing my pain. I took all kinds of tests and all normal
josephine90941 lydia_87192
Yes, I get this very often. It feels like a stitch either under my left or right rib cage. It comes and goes. Mine has been going on for about 8 months. Doctor's have no answers. I do suffer from chronic, sometimes severe constipation, and unfortunately have to strain alot, there are alot of times I also have diarrhea. This can be very hard on the body because our lowest ribs are "floating ribs" and are very vulnerable to muscle strain and fractures especially if straining to have a bowel movement. The muscles under our rib cages can spasm and get sore and feels like a stitch. Sometimes I apply a heating pad, or take a hot bath which seems to help a little. I asked my Doctor that sometimes I feel a lump and ask if it's a hernia and she said it's muscle strain or maybe a fractured floating rib. We don't usually get hernias under our rib cage. Not much they can do for fractured ribs. I am 2 years overdue for Colonoscopy, but am overwhelmed with Medical bills, and can't afford it right now. I am on SSDI. You can ask your Doctor for a barium enema test or ultrasound to rule anything out. Try to stay away from painkillers because they are very constipating.
pippa58442 lydia_87192
You could be reacting to your thyroid medication. In view of the pain you are in, I would go straight to A&E rather than go through 111 which is not always reliable.
angela21689 lydia_87192