Horrible hair and insomnia

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I'm going through a bout of insomnia. I do sleep a bit but not as much as I need to. It can last a few days or weeks. Anyone else get this? I don't have flashes although I have every other symptom and more. 

Maybe it sounds trivial but anyone suffering from 'bad hair'. Mines gone super weird, thin, dull, dead, lifeless, nothing helps sad I think with all the body changes, droops and drops, sags and wrinkles I wish my hair would at least be Okay. 

I ended up chopping it off, but I hate it. 

I hate it so much I wish I could wear a wig  permanently . Anyone else have bad horrid hair at this stage and any strategies or help appreciated.

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14 Replies

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    I've had terrible insomnia, didn't sleep for days in a row and got so desperate that I got tablets. I take them a couple of times a week so that I break the cycle. It's helped.

    My hair has thinned out, I used to have a big thick head of hair but now I think it's finer and about half the amount. But I think it is starting to grow back, my hairdresser said I had a lot of new growth and it does look thicker.

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    I'm awake!! Been awake for last hour or so. Regularly wake in early hours, I know I'll have a fatigue crash in the afternoon so I try and plan for it.

    I know what you mean about the hair, mine suffered badly when I was low on iron and didn't realise it. Along with hormone problems, it was thinning and lifeless. I have seen a little improvement with the iron and I take a hair and nail supplement containing silica from H&B. My nails definitely grow faster when I remember to take it regularly! And a hair oil can help with strengthening and shine.

    It isn't trivial if it's upsetting you, I think we have to keep a little bit of vanity about us, with everything else happening to our bodies, any little thing to help you feel good can't be a bad thing.

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      Thanks Maisie. I managed to finally fall asleep so I've had 6 hours. I don't cope that well with 6 hours. Especially when it has been a few days of a few hours. Luckily I don't work so I am saved from that. 

      I should maybe try a hair supplement. Which hair oil do you use? 

      I do think a woman's hair is so important, whether they happen to like it long or short. It is tough losing bits of who we were, as I see it.

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      Its Wella SP Luxe Oil. Expensive but a couple of drops goes a long way and it doesnt leave your hair looking greasy.
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      I agree with you both about things that help us feel good while going through all of this.  Very helpful discussion.
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    Hello Callianne,  Yes to all!  I started using a supplement about a year and a half ago, and have had wonderful results!  It is called Biotin, and I take 7,500 mcg, and I switch to the 10,000 mcg every other month.  It helps your hair and nails to grow, and look so much more healthy and shiny.  I also use a really good shampoo and conditioner called Nioxin, it is for those of us that are losing hair, or hair that is breaking.  It is wonderful!  About a month after I starting using it, my hair dresser and I noticed a huge difference in my hair.  Between the Biotin, and the Nioxin, my hair and nails are growing like crazy, and I see all kinds of baby hair growing back!  Not only am I 61, and on hrt, have been since I was 33, but I take a lot of pretty heavy meds, and injections for rheumatoid arthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome, Lupus, adrenal/kidney issues, it all just plays hell with my hair and nails...skin too.  For the skin I use organic coconut oil, and I swear by all 3 of those things!!!  It all works!  If you think about it, most of our lotions and potions for our skin creams have coconut oil in it, so I just use the coconut oil, you can not believe what it can do for your skin alone!!  You don’t need to spend all that money on the name brand stuff!!  Just the good ol stuff from Hawaii!!  These are my only suggestions...they work for me, at least my hair has grown back in, and is feeling thick once again, and my nails grow so fast, I am constantly cutting them back, compared to them just breaking off, down into the meat.  They were like paper, now they are nice and strong.  Sometime we just need a little extra help!    


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      One more thing...I take so many meds...I have to be careful what I take for sleeping, so about the only thing I can take that does not bother my bp meds or the others, is just the over the counter Tylenol P.M., I can take these pills when I need to, and they do seem to help me on those nights where sleep does not want to come!  You might need something stronger, but you might want to just give them a try first...maybe it will work for you too.  Good Luck!!


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      Thank you deidra, gosh that sounds amazing. I am going to get some today! I too have the breaking, peeling nails. I am using Nioxin which helps a little. Thanks so much for the info'. Much appreciated. 
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      You are welcome!  Continue using those in combination, I think you will

      see a difference soon.  As unicon said, she uses vit D, I forgot to mention, I too use D3 2,000 i.u.  It also helps with the mood!  Like I said, I have been using these in combination for a good year and a half, and the results are amazing!  My hair is so shiny, and thicker, nails grow so fast, I actually find myself cutting them back!  They are like they were when I was young!  LOL  It may not happen over night, but I think after a month or two, you will see a difference!  Also, drink a LOT of water!  This helps too!  That coconut oil I buy is called Aloha Organic from Hawaii.  It is NOT the liquid, I buy the jar, it looks more solid.  You can also use it as a make-up remover.  A little bit goes a LONG way.  It will feel a little greasy at first, you will know when you use too much on the body, let it soak in, and you are good to go.  Oh, and it does not smell, AND you can cook with it!  LOL


  • Posted

    I was suffering with bad ,dull and thinning hair also. I had a lab panel done and found out that my vitamin D was low. My doctor prescribed 100 mg. Of vitaman D tablets a day and my hair is filling back in and the shine has come back after a month of taking my vitamin D.
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    Hi Callianne, my hair is dry and thin and breaking so I decided like you to cut off I just wash it and leave it,I sometimes can't sleep I heard ginger tea can help I cup before bedtime so far so good.
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    frown lol, I am so glad you brought up the Hair issues. I too HATE my hair changes since Menopause! My beautiful, wavy,shiney,managable haor wnet to thinning, dry, lifeless, dull hair it seem ovewr night. I keep cutting it shorter and shorter, ried every product on the market and ll to NO avail..of all the crap Mnoe brings us, it is the Hair and big belly issues I hate the most, I eat well, am  5'2". 112lbs but my belly wears at least 20 of those lbs...cry...if u find anything that works for the Hair let me know..habg in there!
    • Posted

      The big belly is the issue that bothers me the most.  It is good to read your comments and I hope things are better for you soon.  I feel less alone knowing we are all struggling with these issues.

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